Barbet Bibliography

An informal collection of references to the Barbet through history

Of Englishe Dogges, the Diversities, the Names, the Natures, and the Properties

That kinde of dogge whose service is required in fowling upon the water, partly through a natural towardnesse, and partly by diligent teaching, is inbued with that property. This sort is somewhat bigge, and of a measurable greatnesse, having long, rough, and curled heare, not obtayned by extraordinary trades, but given by natures appointment, yet neverthelesse (friend Gesner) I have described and set him out in this maner, namely powlde and notted from the shoulders to the hindermost legges, and to the end of his tayle, which I did for use and customs cause, that beyng as it were made somewhat bare and naked, by shearing of such superflnitie of heare, they might atchive the more lightnesse, and swiftnesse, and be lesse hindered in swymming, so troublesome and needelesse a burthen being shaken of. This kinde of dogge is properly called Aqitaticvs, a water spaniel because he frequenteth and hath usual recourse to the water where all his game & exercise lyeth, namely, waterfowles, which are taken by the helpe and service of them, in their kind. And principally duckes and drakes, wherupon he is lykewise named a dogge for the ducke, because in that qualitie he is excellent. With these dogges also we fetche out of the water such fowle as be stonnge to death by any venomous worme, we use them also to bring us our boultes & arrowes out of the water (missing our mareke) whereat we directed our levell, which otherwise we should hardly recover, and oftentimes they restore to us our shaftes which we thought never to see, touche or handle againe, after they were lost, for which circumstaunces they are called Inquisitorea, searchers, and finders. Although the ducke otherwhiles notably deceave both the dogge and the master, by dyving under the water, and also by naturall subtilty, for if any man shall approche to the place where they builde, breede, and syt, the hens go out of their nestes, offering themselues voluntarily to the lads, as it were, of such as draw nie their nestes. And a certaine weaknesse of their winges pretended, and infirmitie of their feete dissembled, they go so slowely and so leasorely, that to a mans thinking it were no masteryes to take them. By which deceiptfull tricke they doe as it were entyse and allure men to follow them, till they be drawne a long distaunce from theyr neastes, which being compassed by their prooident conning, or conning providence they cut of all inconneniences which might growe of their returne, by using many carefull and curious caucates, least theyr often haunting betray ye place where the young ducklings be hatched. Great therefore is theyr desire and earnest is theyr study to take heede, not ouly to theyr broode but also to themselves. For when they have an inkling that they are espied they hide themselves vnder turfes or sedges, wherewith they cover and shrowde themselues so closely and so craftely, that (notwithstanding the place where they lurke be found and perfectly persued) there they will harbour without harm, except the water spaniel by quicke smelling discover theyr deceiptes.

Author Abraham Fleming, John Caius the Elder
Published 1576

I'm a Loyal, Watchful Barbet

Loyal Barbet

The wiseman teaches us and tells us what will follow. Whoever wishes to come into the house. He must first knock. When the door is opened, give his reasons. Ask softly what he wants. For if he blunders in. Someone will shout, Barbet, stop him, Shout bite him bravely, For he is like you an animal. In the house amongst the many objects. To take away or to pick their lock. They go to look in the pot. To see what there is to carry off. Such fools have gained the rub. They do it with ease. I shout after them without stopping. For these are enemies of my master. The good domesticated dog is on guard while his master sleeps. And if someone comes he wakes him when by chance he sleeps too deeply.

Author Unknown
Published 1600

Extract of a Letter by Nicolas Fabri de Pereisc

Because they all are white and have long frizzy hair like barbet dogs.

Published 1633

Journals of Sir John Lauder Lord Fountainhall with His Observations on Public Affairs and Other Memoranda

Being on horseback, tomorrow being a Sundy, ere 3 hours of the morning we dined at Thoury, a little towne 10 leagues from Orleans; came at night in foul weather to Estampes, a ruinous towne, their no being so much as a whole house standing in al the fauxbourgs, and that since the late troubles raised by Mr le Prince,[353] who defended the towne against the King. There is one long street in the towne. We lay at the trois Rois. We went to the Cordeliers Convent to see that Barbet[354] rought[355] water dog that takes the Escrevisses,[356] but we could not see it.
[353] In 1652 the Prince of Conde's troops held Etampes against Turenne, Louis XIV.'s general. [354] A kind of dog with long curly hair.[355] Rought, rough: as he spells laugh, laught. [356] _Ecrevisses_, crayfish.

Book Journals of Sir John Lauder Lord Fountainhall with His...
Author Sir John Lauder
Published 1665

A Tentative Universal Dictionary

Barbets. Are curly coated dogs which hunt

Book A Tentative Universal Dictionary
Author Antoine Furetière
Published 1684

Methodical Synopsis of Four-Legged Animals

Canis aviarius aquaticus = Water dog, bird retreiver. Thick curly hair over all its body.

Book Methodical Synopsis of Four-Legged Animals
Author John Ray
Published 1693

Dictionary of the Académie Française (1st Edition)

BARBET. Dog with curly hair which goes to water.

Book Dictionary of the Académie Française
Published 1694

The gentleman's recreation, in four parts, viz. hunting, hawking, fowling, fishing

To train a WATER-DOG, and the use thereof.
I shall begin with the best proportion of the Water-dog and, first, of his colour. Although some do attribute much to the colour, yet experience lets us know they are uncertain observations. To proceed, then, your dog may be of any colour and yet excellent, but choose him of long hair and curled, not loose and shagged ; his head must be round, his ears broad and hanging, his eyes full, lively, and quick. His nose very short, his lip hound-like, his chaps with a full set of strong teeth. His neck thick and short, his breast sharp, his shoulders broad. His forelegs straight, his chine square, his buttocks round, his belly gaunt, and his thighs brawny.
For the training this dog you cannot begin too soon with him, and therefore, as soon as he can lap, you must teach him to couch and lie down, not daring to stir from that posture without leave. Observe in his first teaching to let him eat nothing till he deserves it, and let him have no more teachers, feeders, cherishers, or correctors but one ; and do not alter that word you first use in his information, for the dog takes notice of the sound, not the language. When you have acquainted him with the word suitable to his lesson, you must teach him to know the word of reprehension. You must also use words of cherishing, to give him encouragement when he does well. There is also a word of advice, instructing him when he does amiss.
Having made him understand these several words, you must next teach him to lead in a string or collar orderly, not running too forward nor hanging backward. After this you must teach him to come close to your heels without leading, for he must not range by any means unless it be to beat fowls from their covert, or to fetch the wounded.

Book The gentleman's recreation: in four parts, viz. hunting,...
Author Nicholas Cox, John Manwood
Published 1721

Le Chien Barbet

Canis Aquarius (Water Dog)

oil on canvas, 194.5 x 112 cm. (private collection)

Author Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin (1699-1779)
Published 1730

Der vollkommene teutsche Jäger

Concerning the Water Dog.
The shepherds have small or medium driving dogs which have shaggy hair, (they get them from the Northern Countries). Such Budels are now covered with a Hound, so the offspring fall with long ears and shaggy hair. In order that they swim better their thick hair is taken off, a good beard and eyebrows remain, and the tail is docked. Because of their beard, the French call them (barbe) Barbet. These Water dogs from the gray color of the Shepherd and the red hair of the Hound are mostly brown, though often white with brown spots, or even black. They are brisk and faithful, they hunt gladly, and they like by nature to swim. They retrieve well in reed fields and fast rivers. They also hunt out foxes, otters, and wild cats from the reeds. Such Water Budel is of great service to the Fowler.

Author Hans Friedrich von Fleming
Published 1749

The Large Encyclopaedia.

BARBET: large dog with curly hair

Book The Large Encyclopaedia.
Author Diderot and D’Alembert
Published 1751

Dictionnaire Raisonné et Universel des Animaux ou Le Règne Animal

The Barbet is kind of a big dog that is clipped symmetrically to make it more beautiful and cleaner. It takes a lot of mowing. They cut the tip of the tail. He goes to the water. It has a round head, With beautiful eyes and the muzzle short, the body stocky, fleshy ears and covered with hair less curly but longer than the rest of the body, which is long, curly to fleecy. The Barbet of the small species never goes to the water. It resembles the great Barbet. One With the other are very attached to their master.

Book Dictionnaire raisonné et universel des animaux ou Le Règne animal
Author François-Alexandre Aubert de La Chesnaye Des Bois
Published 1759

Trévoux Dictionary

BARBET/BARBETTE. Dog with a large curly coat which goes to water.

Book Trévoux Dictionary
Author Pierre Charles Berthelin
Published 1762

Dictionnaire Domestique Portatif

Page 315: CANICHE: this is the name given to the female of the barbet dog.
Page 159: BARBET, hunting, large dog, curly hair that one instructs to retrieve, that goes to the water, and that is used for the hunting of foxes and ducks. The barbets are sheared, and their hair cut in the composition of hunting. BARBICHON, we call a small Barbet. See Barbet.
Page 312: CANARD, dog, otherwise called barbet. He has curly hair and goes to the water. We make hats of his hair.

Author Edited by Vincent (Paris)
Published 1764

Universal Dictionary of Natural History.

The barbets are recognizable by their curly hair.

Book Universal Dictionary of Natural History.
Author Jacques-Christophe Valmont de Bomare
Published 1764

Grand Barbet ou Caniche engraving.

Grand Barbet ou Caniche

Image Grand Barbet ou Caniche engraving.
Author Claude Fessard
Published 1767

A Work On Hunting

Barbet: dog with long curly hair, which goes naturally to water.

Book A Work On Hunting
Author Goury de Champgrand
Published 1768

Veterinary Dictionary Of Domestic Animals

BARBET. It is a dog whose coat is large, bulky and curly.

Book Veterinary Dictionary Of Domestic Animals.
Author Pierre Joseph Buc'Hoz
Published 1770

New French-Italian Dictionary.

BARBET/BARBETTE. Dog with long and curly hair which goes to water.
Barbone, duck/water dog. Note that the Italians always call the Poodle, Barbone. It is obvious that Caniche and Barbet spaniel are indistinguishable.

Book Universal Dictionary of Natural History.
Author Abbot François Alberti
Published 1771

Encyclopédie ou dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et ..., Volume 4

Barbet, f. m. (hunter.) large dog, with curly hair, that is instructed to retrieve, which goes to the water, and which stands to the hunting of a fox. One clips the barbet, and their hair is a component of hats.

Author Denis Diderot & Jean Le Rond d' Alembert
Published 1777

Treaty Of Animal Education

The barbet spaniels are very recognizable by their curly hair.

Book Treaty Of Animal Education.
Author Pierre Joseph Buc'Hoz
Published 1780

History of Quadrupeds

Water-dog, great and small. Le Grand and le petit Barbet - Canis aviarius aquaticus.

Author By Thomas Pennant. Published by B.White, London
Published 1781

The complete French master for ladies and gentlemen

un Barbet, a Water-dog.

Book The complete French master for ladies and gentlemen.
Author By Abel Boyer. Printed for J. Bell.
Published 1782

Le Grand Barbet

Le Grand Barbet

The way in which we are obliged to have assistance to judge the differences in animals, of related species, is a strong one, that we should use in preference to all others, when we want to find points to determine the many varieties found in the same species; we are acquainted with thirty in the dog, and certainly we do not know them all. Of these thirty varieties, there are seventeen that must relate to the influence of climate; the sheep dog, the Wolf dog, Siberian Dog, Dog of Iceland, Dog of Lapland, the Mastiff, the Greyhound, the Great Dane & Dog of Ireland, Hound, and Braque, the Bassets, Spaniels and the Barbet, the small Dane, Turkish dog and the Bulldog; the thirteen others, which are the Turkish dog cross-breeds, the Greyhound with a wolfs coat, the Feast dog, the dog of Malta or Bichon, Pug, the strong Mastiff race, Doguin or Mopse, the Dog of Calabria, Burgos, the dog of Alicante, the Lion dog, the little Barbet and the dog which one calls Artois, the Issois or Eighty, these come from the mixture of the first group: and by relating each of these mixed dogs, both breeds from which they are derived can be found, as is their nature - when enough is known, but in respect of the first seventeen races, if we want to know the relationship they have between them, we must have regard to instinct, shape and many other circumstances.
I put together the the sheep dog, the Wolf dog, Siberian dog, dog of Iceland and the dog of Lapland, because they resemble each other by their figure and by their coat, all five have a snout almost like a fox, they are the only ones who have upright ears, and that their instinct is to follow and to herd. The Mastiff, the Greyhound, the Great Dane & dog of Ireland, in addition to the resemblance of the shape and the long snout, have the same nature, they love to run, follow horses, carriages, they have a poor sense of smell , and prefer to hunt on sight rather than scent.
The true hunting dogs are the hound, the Braque, the Bassets, Spaniels & the Barbets; where they differ somewhat in the shape of the body, however, they all have the big nose, and as their instinct is the same, one can hardly go wrong in grouping them as a whole. The spaniel, for example, has been called by some naturalists, aviarius terrestris canis, and the Barbet, canis aviarius aquaticus; and indeed, the only difference that there is in the nature of these two dogs is that the Barbet, with his bushy hair, long and curly, goes more willingly to the water than the spaniel, which is smooth coated and less covered, or the three others who are too short and too light to not worry about getting wet skin.
Finally the little Dane and the Turkish dog cannot fail to go together, since it is apparent that the Turkish dog is a small Dane, who lost his hair. There remains the Mastiff, which by its short snout, seems to resemble the small Dane more than any other dog, but differs in many other respects, it seems to from a different variety to all others, both in form and instict; it also seems to be affected by a particular climate, it comes from England, and one finds it hard to maintain the breed in France, the crosses from it, which are the strong Dogue and the Doguin, these are more successful; all these dogs have their noses so short that they have little sense of smell, and often great smell. It appears also that finesse of smell in dogs depends on size more than snout length, because the Greyhound, the Mastiff and the great Dane, who have a very elongated snout, are much less of a good nose than the Hound, the Basset & Braque, and even the Spaniel & the Barbet, who have all, in proportion to their size, a shorter but larger snout than the former.

Author Georges Louis Leclerc de Buffon
Published 1784

Universal And Portable Zoology.

Barbet spaniel. Dog with thick and curly hair like a fleece.

Book Universal And Portable Zoology.
Author By Abbé Playcard-Augustin-Fidèle Ray.
Published 1788

System Of Nature.

The large barbet spaniel. Canis aquaticus. Curly, long hair, similar to wool of sheep.

Book System Of Nature.
Author By Carl von Linné
Published 1793

Famous Dogs.

THE BARBET SPANIEL. This major species, the barbet spaniel, has cottony and curly hair.

Book Famous Dogs.
Author By Anne-François-Joachim Fréville
Published 1796

Études de la Nature

His (i.e. man's) dog subdues all other animals for him. His numerous breeds seem designed for their different roles; the sheep dog, the wolfhound, the basset hound, the fox hound, the greyhound for the animals of the lowlands; the mastiff for those of the mountain; the setter for the birds, the barbet for amphibians; finally the Maltese spaniel made for pleasure.

Book Études de la Nature.
Author By Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, Published by Chez Tourneizen
Published 1797

Dictionnaire de l'académie françoise: Volume 1

BARBET, ETTE. s. Dog with a long and curly coat, which goes into the water. The barbet goes well in water, it retrieves well. Shear a barbet. A pretty barbette. The familiar saying of a very dirty man, he is as dirty as a barbet; and a man who follows another around, he follows like a barbet. And in colloquial speech, speaking of a man suspected to report everything we do, everything we say, we say that is a barbet.
BARBICHON. s. mas. Diminutive of barbet. A pretty barbichon.
CANICHE, subst. fémin. barbet bitch.

Author By Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, Published by Chez Tourneizen.
Published 1797

The New Rustic House

The barbet spaniels are dogs with much curly hair, which go to water.

Book The New Rustic House.
Author By Louis Liger
Published 1798

Dictionnaire raisonné universel d'histoire naturelle.

The large species of barbet are recognisable by their long hair, cotton-like and curly, they go very well in water and are exellent for hunting waterfowl, they are ordinarily very easy to train; the tip of the tail is cut, and are symmetrically round to make them more beautiful and cleaner. The small species of barbet will not go in water, and do not make a retrieve. He comes from the small spaniel and barbet. Generally they say, the barbet are the most attached of all dogs; we have found examples of their loyalty and their instinct.

Author Bruyset Aine et C.
Published 1800

General zoology, or, Systematic natural history.

Water Dog. (Canis aquaticus. Lin. Gmel.) This is the Canis aquaticus aviarius of Gesner, and is distinguished by its curly hair, like wool. it is remarkable for its great attachment to the water, swims with great ease, and is used in hunting ducks, and other aquatic birds.Its feet are commonly said to approach more to a webbed form than those of most other dogs.
The Great Water Spaniel is also distinguished in a similar manner by its curled hair, and its propensity to the water. There is a smaller variety of the Water Dog, called the Little Barbet, which, in general appearance, extremely resembles the larger.

Book General zoology, or, Systematic natural history.
Author By Georgviewe Shaw, James Francis Stephens
Published 1800

Nouveau dictionnaire d'histoire naturelle appliquée aux arts: principalement à l' economie rurale et domestique.

The long haired dogs, with a fine curly coat, which we call puffed out, and which are of the height of the large barbets, come from a cross between the large spaniel and the barbet.
The little barbet comes from a cross between the little spaniel and the barbet.

Book Nouveau dictionnaire d'histoire naturelle appliquée aux...
Author edited by Jacques de Sève, Published by L' Imprimerie de...
Published 1803

Bulletin Vaudois

Lost June 19th, a white and black barbet, tail very short, who answers to the name of Castor. The promise of 4 Livres reward to anyone who will travel to 15, St.Francais, Lausanne.

Book The New Rustic House.
Author By Peuple Vaudois, Switzerland
Published 1803

Nouveau cours complet d'agriculture théorique et pratique ... ou Dictionnaire raisonné et universel d'agriculture.

7. The barbet is distinguished from all other dogs by its coat, which is long and curly, like sheeps' wool. His body is stout and short. His limbs moderately long. His head round, his muzzle short and thickset. His ears wide and pendulous. He varies a great deal, but black and white are often the dominant colours. Of all dogs, he is the most intelligent and the most capable of a lively and enduring attachment. One can train him to all kinds of tasks, he will naturally exert himself to do them. One quality, which is peculiar to him is his tendency to hurl himself into water. He is also in great demand for hunting waterfowl, which he retrieves really well, when they are killed. His sense of smell is very good.

Author By François Rozier and Antoine Augustin Parmentier,...
Published 1809

Memoirs of British quadrupeds; illustrative principally of their habits of life, instincts, sagacity, and uses to mankind. Arranged according to the system of Linnaeus

Great Water Dog.

The Water Dog is distinguished from all others by his rough and curly hair. He is believed to have been originally introduced into this country from Spain. These Dogs are remarkably fond of swimming about in the water, which they do with singular activity and ease; and they are useful to sportsmen, in fetching from thence such birds as are shot and fall into it. There are two kinds, but they differ from each other only in size.
A pleasing instance of attachment, .in a small Water Dog belonging to the farrier of the C. troop of Horse Artillery, has been related to me by a friend, who had a personal knowledge of the fact. When this troop was at Canterbury, a few years ago, an officer of the fifty-second regiment, much pleased with the appearance of the animal, purchased her. In the course of a little while, she was sent, and every possible attention was paid to her in her new habitation. As soon as her master had left her, she began to whine, and appeared very unhappy. Some food was put before her; but she refused to eat. She was tried with every delicacy that it was thought might tempt her, but to no purpose; and for three days she persisted in rejecting every kind of nourishment. The officer, at last, sent for the farrier to relate the circumstance, and ask his advice. As soon as he opened the door of the place where she was confined, the little creature, almost frantic with joy, exerted her greatest effort to escape from her chain. He offered her some food, which she swallowed with the utmost voracity ; but he had no other alternative to save the life of the faithful animal, than by refunding the money which he had received, (which he did not hesitate a moment to do,) and again taking her into his own possession.
The hair of the above animal is so soft and fine in its texture, that her owner cuts it off twice in the year; and each fleece is found sufficient to be manufactured into two hats. These are generally considered to be worth about twelve shillings each.

Author By William Bingley, Samuel Howitt. Published and Printed...
Published 1809

Le Parfait Chasseur.

The Barbets are very strong, intelligent, bold, have curly hair, enter the water like a duck, and will do what we want on the plain and in the woods where they also hunt well, when one takes the trouble instruct them.

Author Auguste Desgraviers
Published 1810

A new universal and pronouncing dictionary of the French and English languages containing above fifty thousand terms and names.

Barbet, te, (bar-bè, -te) s. a French water spaniel, a shagged dog; a French water spaniel bitch. Etré crotté comme un barbet (in familiar language), to be up to the ears in dirt. C`est un barbet (in familiar language), he is a tell tale.

Book A new universal and pronouncing dictionary of the French...
Author By Nicolas Gouin Dufief. Published by Printed by T. & G. Palmer.
Published 1810

Animated nature; or, elements of the natural history of animals;

Water Dog.

Water Dog. Of this dog there are two varieties, the one of considerably larger size than the other. They are useful to sportsmen, in fetching game out of the water. They are distinguished by having their hair long, and curled like the fleece of a sheep

Author By William Bingley
Published 1814

The Edinburgh magazine, and literary miscellany, a new series of The Scots.

Aquaticus. Water-Dog. Ears pendant; body thickly covered with long curled hair; snout slightly recurved ; eyes almost concealed in the fur; scent acute, docile, sagacious; swims well, and learns readily to carry.

Book The Edinburgh magazine, and literary miscellany, a new...
Published 1818

The modern fisher: or, driffield angler; containing descriptions of the...

I shall begin with his colour, and although some attribute much to that, yet experience lets us know they are uncertain observations. Your dog may be any colour and yet excellent, but choose him of hair long and curled, not loose and shaggy ; his head round and curled; his ears broad and hanging; eyes full, lively, and quick; bis nose very short, and lip like a hound; the chaps with a full set of strong teeth, and neck thick and short; his breast sharp, and shoulders broad; his fore legs straight, chine square, and buttocks round; his belly gaunt, and thighs brawny, etc.
For the training of this dog you cannot begin too soon, and therefore as soon as he can lap you must teach him to couch and lie down, not daring to stir from that posture without leave. In his first teaching let him eat nothing till he deserves it, and have no more teachers, feeders, or correctors but one, and do not alter that word you first use in his information, as the dog will take notice of the sound, not the language.
When you have made him acquainted with the word suitable to his lesson, you must then teach him to know the word of reprehension, which at first should be used without a jerk, and also use words of cherishing to give him encouragement when he does well; and in all these words you must be constant, and let them be attended with spitting in his mouth, or cherishing with the hand. There is also a word of advice, instructing him when he does amiss.
Having made him understand these several words, then teach him to lead in a string or collar orderly, not running too forward nor hanging backward; after this teach him to come close at your heels, without leading, as he must not range by any means, unless it be to beat the fowl from their coverts, or to fetch the wounded.
In the next place teach him to fetch and carry any thing you throw out of your hands, and first try him with a glove, shaking it over his head and making him snap at it; sometimes letting him hold it in his mouth, and strive to pull it from him; at last throw it a little way and let him worry it on the ground, and so by degrees make him bring it to you wherever you throw it; from the glove you may teach him to fetch cudgels, bags, nets, etc. If you use the dog to carry dead fowl it will not be amiss, for by that means he will not tear or bruise what fowl you shoot. Having perfected this lesson, drop something behind you which the dog does not see, and being gone a little way from it send him back to seek it, by saying bock, I have lost; if he seems amazed, point with your finger urging him to seek out, and leave him not till he has done it; then drop something at a greater distance and make him find that too, till you have brought him to go back a mile; you may now train up for your gun, making the dog stalk after you step by step, or else couch and lie close till you have shot.
The last use of the water-dog is in moulting time, when wild fowl cast their feathers and are unable to fly, which is between summer and autumn ; at this time bring your dog to their coverts and hunt them out into the stream, and there, with your gun and nets, surprise them, driving them into them, for at this time sheep will not drive more easy. Though some may object that this sickly time is unseasonable, yet if they consider what excellent food these fowls will prove, the taking of them may be excusable. I have eaten of them after they have been fed awhile with livers of beasts, barley paste, scalded bran, and such like food, they have proved exceedingly fat, and have tasted not so fishy as they do by their natural feeding, but very sweet, and deserve preference to any fowl whatever.
As the language of sportsmen possesses a great number of specific names peculiar to themselves, when speaking of the various objects of their pursuit, it may not be improper to notice them in this place, and give such terms as are proper. Covey of partridges. Nide of pheasants, commonly called a Ni, Pack of grouse, or brood. Pack of ptarmigan. Brood of black game, or heath fowl.Wisp, or whisp, of snipes.Wing of plover.Flock of geese.Bevy of quails. Flight of woodcocks.Trip of dotterel.Team of ducks.Flock of bustards.
Three species of dogs are capable of receiving proper instruction, and of being trained to the game: these are, the smooth pointer, the spaniel, and the rough pointer; the last is a dog with long curled hair, and seems to be a mixed breed of the water dog and spaniel.

Author By Alexander Mackintosh
Published 1821

Useful Knowledge: Or A Familiar Account of the Various Productions of Nature

The WATER DOG is principally distinguished by having its hair long and curled, like the fleece of a sheep, its muzzle somewhat short, and the feet more webbed than those of most other dogs. There are two kinds of water-dogs, which differ only in size, the one being nearly as large again as the other. It is to sportsmen principally that these dogs are of use. Being fond of swimming, they are chiefly employed for fetching out of the water game that has been shot and fallen into it. Their fleece has so near a resemblance to wool, that it is capable of being manufactured into a coarse kind of cloth, or of being made into hats.
The fleece of a water dog, belonging to the farrier in the horse artillery, was manufactured into hats, and answered this purpose sufficiently well. Each fleece was sufficient for two hats, and was considered to be worth about twelve shillings.

Book Useful Knowledge: Or A Familiar Account of the Various...
Published 1821

Mammalogie ou description des espèces de mammifères

Var.F. Barbet dog, canis aquaticus, Linn, Gmel. Grand Barbet, Buff. Nat.history.5pl.36. Vulgar poodle and duck dog. Large and round head; cerebral cavity larger than in any other breed; sinus highly developed front ends; large, hanging ears; short legs; thick and shortened body; almost horizontal tail; long hair and curly all over the body, black in color or reddened from black on white, sometimes all white, or yellowish or russet. Length of body and head together, 2 feet 6 inches, - of head, 7 inches. Height at the front shoulder, 1 foot 6 inches. Length of the forearm, 7 1/2 inches - from the wrist to the tips of the nails, 5 inches, -from the leg, 7 1/2 inches, -from heel to fingernails, 6 and 3/4 inches. [ed; the old French foot (pied) was slightly larger than the English equivalent but was divided into 12 inches (pouces) and then further into 12ths (lignes)]
Sub-var. at. Petit barbet, C. F. minor, Linn. Gmel. (Encycl. Pl.100. Fig.1) Petit barbet, Buffon, tom.5 pl.38. fig. 2. Similar to the barbet in form, by the face, by the hair of the body, long and curly; muzzle smaller in proportion; silky hair on the top of the head, on the ears and at the end of the tail, much like in the spaniel. It comes, according to Buffon and Daubenton, from the mixture of the great barbet and the small spaniel.
Sub-var. b. Griffon dog. Shape of the barbet; ears a little raised; long hairs, not frizzy, and arranged in small straight strands in all directions; colour usually black, with tan spots on the eyes and legs; muzzle lined with long body hair; mediocre or small size. Appearing to come from the barbet and the sheepdog.
HABITS. The barbet is of all dogs the one whose intelligence appears to be the most suitable to development. He is extremely attached to his master. He loves water and swims with the tallest ease. It is usefully used for hunting aquatic birds. The two small subvarieties are reared in apartments; the last hunt well.

Author By Anselme-Gaëtan Desmarest, Published Veuve Agasse.
Published 1822

Nature displayed in the heavens, and on the earth, According to the Latest Observations and Discoveries.

THE WATER-DOG. This animal (canis familiaris aquaticus) swims with singular activity and ease, and being fond of the water, is very useful to the sportsman, in fetching any bird which has been shot, and may have fallen into it. The water-dog has a long and shaggy coat, which often grows over his eyes. The form of the large waterspaniel, or finder, is elegant; the hair is beautifully curled, and his whole aspect is mild and sagacious; it is chiefly used in discovering the haunts of wild-ducks, and other water-fowl. The small water-spaniel resembles it in form, habits, and disposition.

Author By Simeon Shaw, Volume 5
Published 1823

The Modern Farrier.

WATER-DOG. This breed of dogs are of different colours, but of the same shape and formation. The jet-black, with white feet, stand the highest in estimation. The head is rather round, the nose short, the ears long, broad, and pendulous; the eyes full and lively ; the neck thick and short; the shoulders broad ; the legs straight, the hind-quarters round and firm; the pasterns strong and dew-clawed; and the fore-feet long, but round; with the hair in natural short curls. This breed, crossed with the Newfoundland dog, has produced a handsome, strong, and valuable kind.

A manual of the elements of natural history

Aquaticus. The Water Dog. Ger. der Budel. Fr. le Barbet; with a short head and woolly hair.

Book A manual of the elements of natural history.
Author By Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, translated by R.T. Gore
Published 1825

Chiens de Chasse

Grand Barbet (Plate XVI)

Barbet , the barbet represented (PL. XVI) is distinguished from the others by the nature of its hair which is long and curly like the wool of a sheep. It covers all parts of the body in equal thickness, and so it adorns the head and muzzle that would block the light, if we had not taken the precaution to cut it just above the eyes. Its body is large and short, its limbs moderately long, its head round, its muzzle short, its ears wide and pendulous. Its colour varies much, but the black and white are those which one sees more often. Of all the dogs it is the most intelligent and most suitable for instruction. One can conclude it has all the services possible. A quality which is to him proper, is its disposition to throw its self into water; hunting for water birds. Its sense of smell is exquisite.
It is found in two varieties; the small barbet, usually living in cities and relegated to apartments, and the large barbet, commonly known under the name of caniche, chien canne [names for the poodle], it is this about which we speak more highly. This animal requires great care to be maintained in a state cleanliness, and consequently health. It is especially necessary to comb it often, to destroy the lice to which it is very susceptible, and particularly to clip the feet, between the digits and on the muzzle. The tail is clipped as directed.
This dog is much employed in England for the hunting of water birds. It is the same on board where it has to go to seek what falls to the sea, as well as the sea birds which one kills. He can also be used to point.
Some amateur hunters try, at present to use the dog of Newfoundland [Labrador retrievers originally came from Newfoundland], so the race spread themselves little by little in our region. We are persuaded that all the dogs are able to learn to hunt, we do not doubt that it will achieve some success; but it is probable that one will not obtain a service from it more agreeable than that of the race which we describe. We will say same that its character is not shown to be flexible enough to hope to obtain a passive obedience from it.

Book Chiens de Chasse. Par un des Collaboratuers du Traité...
Author Source -The Kennel Club Library, London.
Published 1827

The animal kingdom arranged in conformity with its organization

Var. b. C. F. Aquaticus (the Barbet, or Poodle.) Head large, and round ; cerebral cavity larger than in any other variety; frontal sinuses very much developed; ears large and pendent; body thick ; tail nearly horizontal; fur long and curly all over the body; generally white, with black patches, or black ;with white patches.
Sub-var. a. The Little Barbet is bred, according to Buffon, from the great barbet and the little spaniel.
Sub-var. b. The Griffon is like the preceding,but the hair is not curled; generally black, with yellow spots over the eyes and on the paws. It appears to have sprung from the barbet and the shepherd's dog.

Author By Baron Cuvier and other naturalists.
Published 1827

History of British animals.

Aquaticus. Water-Dog. Ears pendent; body thickly covered with long curled hair; snout slightly recurved; eyes almost concealed in the fur; scent acute; docile, sagacious, learns readily to carry any thing in its mouth; swims well.

Book History of British animals.
Author By John Fleming
Published 1828

The London encyclopaedia: or, Universal dictionary of science, art

Water dog, a variety, distinguished by its curly hair, which much resembles wool. The webs between the toes are larger than in most other dogs, which sufficiently accounts for the ease with which it swims, and renders it useful in hunting ducks and other water-fowl. Dogs of this breed are also frequently kept on board ships, for the purpose of sending into the water after any small article that may chance to fall overboard.

Book The London encyclopaedia: or, Universal dictionary of...
Author edited by Thomas Curtis
Published 1829

Biographical Sketches and Authentic Anecdotes of Dogs

Great Rough Water Dog

THE GREAT ROUGH WATER DOG, (Canis Aquaticus, Linnaeus.) The Great Rough Water-Dog has long curly hair, is web-footed, swims with great ease, and is extremely useful in the sport of shooting aquatic birds. He has many of the qualities of the land-spaniel. This dog has a great liking to fetching and carrying, and such is his exquisite sense of smell, that he will find a particular stone thrown by his master to the bottom of a river; he dives with astonishing dexterity. He is particularly valuable on board of ships, as he leaps from the side of a vessel after any article which has fallen overboard, and is very useful for recovering birds that have been shot from the deck of the ship. Above all, he is lively, playful, good-tempered, and much attached to his master.

Author By Thomas Brown. Published by Oliver & Boyd, London.
Published 1829

The field book; or, Sports and pastimes of the British islands,

Var. F The water spaniel, Canis aquaticus, LINN. ; chien barbet. Buff. Sub-varieties, small water spaniel, petit barbet, BUFF. ; chien griffon, a dog between the water spaniel and the shepherd's dog D. Laine.

Book The field book; or, Sports and pastimes of the British...
Author By William Hamilton Maxwell
Published 1833

Traité général des eaux et forêts, chasses et pêches: Dictionnaire des Chasses

IV Le Barbet; The barbet, which is also known as the poodle and dog-cane, has long hair, very curly and thick, fat body and short legs medium long, round head, short muzzle and large, pendulous ears. Its color varies greatly, but black and white are the ones we see most often. This dog has a delicious sense of smell, extraordinary intelligence , and it can draw all services. It is particularly suitable for hunting waterfowl in ' because of his willingness to plunge in water.
This dog requires care to be kept clean, and therefore in a state of health, by often combing and destroying vermin to which it is subject and especially clipping the feet, between the toes and on the muzzle. On him we dock the tail the same as the braque.
The barbet is widely used in England to hunt waterfowl. We even take him on board boats where it is used to pick that which falls into the water and seabirds that are killed. It stands at a stop. There is a variety of barbet; the little barbet, which lives in apartments.

Author By J.J. Baudrillart. Paris
Published 1834

The Book of Nature - Embracing a Condensed Survey of the Animal Kingdom as Well as Sketches of Vegetable Anatomy, Geology, Botany, Minerology,

7. Great Barbet. Canis Aquaticus, Linn.
The great rough water-dog has long curly hair, is web-footed, swims with great ease, and is extremely useful in the sport of shooting aquatic birds. He has many of the qualities of the land spaniel. He has a great liking to fetching and carrying, and such is his exquisite sense of smell, that he will find a particular stone thrown by his master to the bottom of a river. He dives with astonishing dexterity, and is particularly serviceable on board of ships, as he leaps from the side of the vessel after any article that has fallen overboard, and is very useful for recovering birds shot from the deck. Above all, he is lively, playful, good-tempered, and much attached to his master.
Monsieur R., in the days of Robespierre, at the time of his imprisonment, owned one of the most faithful water-dogs on record. He accompanied him to prison, to the guillotine, and followed the body to the grave, where he passed the first night, the next day, and the second night. He refused all food, and actually died in the act of removing the earth to come at the body of his friend.

Author By Association of Scientific Gentlemen of Philadelphia,...
Published 1834

La Mosaïque; ou,le livre de tout le monde et de tous les pays.

Les Chiens Barbets

Of all the breeds that make up the large race of dogs, that nature, by her talents and instict, seems so obviously to have created to live in society, in intimate relationships with men, there is no more true a friend, in every sense of the word, absolutely more than companion barbet. All the other families of dogs were used by us and reduced to the status of instruments of utility or pleasure. The dog guarding the house, the shepherd dog leads the herd, the hunting dog to hunt game and retrieve it under the gun of the hunter, the Great Dane is like furniture in a big house, useless, selfish as a lackey; among small dogs, some like Chinese dogs, have no merit in their ugliness, others are objects of a whim, or a weakness for women of a certain age, they are surly, demanding, like spoiled children. Between these species and man, there are always reports of oppressed to oppressor, of patron to protégé the bond of affection is pure understatement. The barbet is on a different footing with us. There is between him and his owner friendship on equal terms. The barbet is not a slave, not a tyrant, no special function is assigned, man did have him closer to derive some benefit, some pleasure, but to love and be loved, asset moment in any fortune. Between them there, we repeat, equality in friendship, with independence, with delicacy, without calculation or infatuation. So the barbet is the hero of all the facets highlighted in the canine race. It is a barbet Horace Vernet shows us, gratefully receiving care from two young soldiers, it's again a barbet he shows us licking the blood flowing from the wounds of a dying trumpeter. In the `Dog of the Louvre`, which Casimir Delavigne told his touching story, it was a barbet, and when the convoy of the poor moved toward the cemetery, one friend accompanies .... one .... a barbet. Finally what is the dog that when his hapless master is to be shot, stands on its feet from behind, as if to receive the fatal bullet at the same time? It is still a heroic and generous barbet.
From the above, one can agree with us that the barbet, more than any other dog has the title to represent the currency of the emblem of fidelity. Unfortunately his physique is not matched to his morals, and for what he has received in natural goodness, the form elegance was denied. Any of them, much hairier even than Le Paysan du Danube by La Fontaine, is like a bear but a bear unkempt. Its members, shortened and massive are driven under a thick fleece and their tails dragging, and could hardly rise above the horizontal line, not the elegance that is seen in the other dogs: its big head, framed with pendant ears and covered to the end of the muzzle with thick hair, seems be incomplete; one seeks for a long time the eyes that are hidden under the drooping eyebrows.
This is the barbet from the hands of nature, but art is exhaustive in its ingenious efforts to correct deformities, and man neglects nothing to create his favourite artificial beauty. No animal undergoes a metamorphosis more complete. The scissors walked in his long and ugly fleece, and the whole back part of his body is laid bare, the front part, on the contrary, keeps its mane, and the barbet became a lion, the hair on the face are cut and the features are drawn and a thick moustache adorns the upper lip, the sweet bright eyes emerge and shine, as well arched an eyebrow, and the tufts of silky ears add to the strongly marked originality of his spiritual appearance. The artist also trying to make, so to speak, the term, lion at the other end of the body: the tail shortened significantly, relieved of its burden, and decorated only a clump of hair, covers the ability to express feelings and sensations. We do not need to add that the groomer, lead by the taste and the whim of anyone, may vary infinitely these accidents, these combinations of hairy part and shaved parts, we just wanted to paint the model most commonly adopted.
We said that man, finding a barbet as a friend, in its intimacy, did not require any special service of it. Not that he neglects the intellectual education of a student whose coat costs so much to care for. The barbet, however, possesses and exercises, to the exclusion of almost all other dogs, feats of strength and skill. It is true that, more than any other, he displays a great ability to understand, and marvellous dexterity to perform. Especially in the army barracks, which nearly always contain some barbets among their number where the art of instruction was brought to perfection, and that the most surprising results were obtained. Give a paw on demand, sit and beg, turn the head to the right, left, carry a stick, and stand fixed and as motionless as a soldier bearing arms; find a hidden thing, retrieve what is thrown, rush into rivers in search of a floating stick, these are among thousands of other niceties that will not suffice to enumerate the deeds which the barbet knows to earn the favor of a regiment. And not only for his intelligence he is made dear to the soldier, he still has a franchise of all the military for the goodness of his character, his courage to brave hard fasting and, by his devotion, sincerity and disinteress in affection is, in short, a good comrade, on which you can rely on in serious and painful circumstances, it is a buffoon that distracts during the hours of rest and joy.
The ease with which the barbet, covered with fleece, resistant to cold, the ardor with which he launches into water, and its disposition for retrieving, following the time spent, some hunters have started to hunt in the marsh. But although these trials have not completely failed, the reputation of the barbet, as a hunter, has remained very poor.
Émile Jean-Horace Vernet (1789 - 1863) was a French painter of battles, portraits, and Orientalist Arab subjects.
Peasant of the Danube by Jean de la Fontaine - French fable of the 17th century about a bearded, unkempt peasant.

Author Le Bureaux sont a Bruxelles, 40, Rue Leyeque.
Published 1834

Illustrated Natural History Dictionary.

WATER SPANIEL. Canis aquaticus. The water spaniel, also called poodle and duck dog. All of the body of the barbet spaniel is covered with long and curly hair.

Book Illustrated Natural History Dictionary.
Author Guerin
Published 1835

An analytical dictionary of the English language

The Newfoundland Dogs, so called from the country whence they were originally brought, are of superior strength and sagacity, and therefore well fitted for guarding houses. Their feet being more palmated than those of other dogs, they are excellent swimmers, and readily dive in the waters. There are other Water-dogs which, on account of the webs between their toes being large, are much accustomed to swimming and diving. Of these the Large Rough Water-dog is distinguished by its curly and woolly hair; and is that which is used for hunting water-fowl, as well as kept in ships, for catching any article that may fall overboard. The Great and the Small Water-spaniels have also curled hair, but are more elegantly formed than the Great Water-dog ; and are likewise used for discovering the haunts of Water-fowls. These dogs, on account of their searching out articles that are hid, or fowls that have been shot, are, sometimes, called Finders. Of this kind is the Poodle, Poodle-dog, or Barbet, with long curly fur, either wholly white or with black patches.

Book An analytical dictionary of the English language
Author By David Booth
Published 1835

THE BRITISH CYCLOPEDIA combining a scientific ..., Volume 2

There are two very favourite varieties of dogs, which though not exactly spaniels, are yet very nearly bred to them in their attachment, their playful disposition, and their aquatic habits. These are the great rough water dog and the poodle. The first is a variety of which the origin cannot be very clearly identified; the second is understood to be a cross between the first and the cocker. These two resemble each other in their covering, and also in their fondness for swimming and their dexterity in diving. The hair of both is very long, and if left uncut, twists into pendant ringlets, while the curl on the water spaniel is short and crisp like the curls of a wig. By this means it is easy to discriminate the spaniel from the other two ; and the different texture of the hair takes it as easy to distinguish the water-dog from the poodle. The 'hair on the water-dog is strong and rough, and that on the poodle very silky, about the same in texture as that of the cocker. They are all sometimes called poodles; they are deservedly favourites as pet dogs; and they are often trimmed fan-wise, with only a mane, a tuft on the tail, and two each of the heels.
The waterdog is a highly useful animal in all aquatic situations or on board ship. He is never so much in his element as when he is fetching and carrying. He brings game to land, recovers light as that are let overboard at sea, and will plunge into pretty deep water, and fetch a stone from the bottom; they carry gloves, sticks, and other matters, and they will return for any thing if they have been previously shown it. This dog is of various colours, but not infrequently black, with the hair fading into brown at the points.
The poodle is, generally, smaller than the water spaniel; and its soft silky fur gives it a more delicate appearance. It is very playful, and swims and dives well though he is, perhaps, inferior in these respects to the other. It is often of very small size and beautifully white in the colour, with eyes as black as jet, and very intelligent in their expression. In this form it is an especial pet.

Book THE BRITISH CYCLOPEDIA combining a scientific ..., Volume 2
Author By Charles Frederick Partington
Published 1836

Natural History for Women and Society.

It is always a dog, one has to say that gives true service, it is this old barbet spaniel with long curly black hair.

Book Natural History for Women and Society.
Author By Aglaë de Boucauville, Mme. Achille Count
Published 1837

Journal des haras, chasses, et courses de chevaux, des progrès des sciences zooïatriques et de médecine comparée

The griffon, is beautiful in form than the setter and spaniel, but has the same qualities for hunting, and shows great intelligence. It goes perfectly in the water, and is better suited for hunting in the marshes, and sheltered areas and thickets, as for hunting in the plains. The griffons of the largest size can make excellent bloodhounds.
The barbet has an exquisite sense of smell, extraordinary intelligence, and can be trained in all exercises and is particularly suitable for hunting waterfowl, due to his willingness to jump into the water, but requires care to be kept clean and in good health, it should be combed often to destroy the vermin with which it is subject, we cut particularly the legs between the toes and the muzzle, the tail is cut as a setter.

A history of British quadrupeds, including the Cetacea.

The Water Dog

THE WATER-DOG. The peculiar qualities and propensities of this Dog, its exquisite sense of smell, its sagacity, strength, and aquatic habits, have rendered it a most useful and important servant to a particular class of persons, though but little regarded by any others. These are the numerous gunners of the North of England and Scotland, who live principally by shooting water-fowl, in the retrieving of which these Dogs exhibit the highest degree of docility and hardihood. The WaterDog must not be confounded with the Water-Spaniel, from which indeed it differs considerably in size and in proportions. It is of a much more robust make ; the muzzle is short, and stands out abruptly from the face; the ears are of moderate length; the hair is everywhere curled and shaggy, by which the water is prevented from penetrating; the tail is rather short, and somewhat erect; the colour generally black, with more or less white; sometimes brown and white, or nearly all white.
The unerring accuracy with which this Dog can be taught to search for and bring back to his master, articles which have either been lost or purposely left for the exercise of his powers, forms one of the most surprising instances of sagacity and intelligence to be found in the history of the species. If a coin or other small article be shown to the Dog, and then put in a place of concealment, and the Dog be sent even long afterwards, and from a distance, he searches the spot where it had been placed, until he finds it, and then returns it to his master. This power has often been carried to a great degree of perfection, and employed in perpetrating a destructive robbery of ducks, and other water-fowl.

Author By Thomas Bell.
Published 1837

Poodle. As the species of dog known by that name, in French barbet, in German pudel; probably no other than the Dutch pool, poll, q. e. hair; in French poil, and thus as the dog which appears to be a mass of hair. Barbet is evidently connected with barbe, as hair.

Book An essay on the archaiology of popular English phrases...
Author By John Bellenden Kerr.
Published 1837

Descriptive Zoology.

The barbet spaniel or poodle (canis aquaticus). Crisp, woolly, hair.

Book Descriptive Zoology.
Author By Victor Rendu.
Published 1838

The Comprehensive Encyclopaedia.

BARBET SPANIEL: large dog with curly hair. POODLE: name sometimes used for barbet spaniels.

Book The Comprehensive Encyclopaedia.
Published 1839

Boyer's French dictionary

BARBET, bar-be, s. m. shagged dog. BARBETTE, bar-bet. ». f. shagged bitch

Book Boyer's French dictionary: comprising all the additions...
Author By Abel Boyer, Published by Hilliard, Gray
Published 1839

Dictionary Of The French Language

BARBET/ETTE SPANIEL. Dog with curly hair. POODLE. Breed of dog of the species barbet spaniel.

Book Dictionary Of The French Language
Author By Napoleon Landais.
Published 1839

The Naturalist's Library

THE WATER-DOG. (Canis aquaticus) - Barbet of the Continent.
This race of dogs has the head rather large and round, the cerebral space more developed than in any other canine, the frontal sinus expanded, the ears long, the legs rather short, and the body compact; the hair over every part of the animal long, curly, black, or white and black, sometimes rufous ; height at the shoulder from eighteen to twenty inches. The water-dog, or poodle of the Germans, is in its most perfect state not a British race, but rose into favour first in Germany, and during the revolutionary wars was carried by the troops into France, and only in the latter campaigns became familiar to the British in Spain and the Netherlands. The coarser crisped-haired water-dog was indeed long known to the middle classes of England, and to fishermen on the north-eastern coast and profes- eional water-fowl shooters; he was occasionally also brought to the environs of London, in order to afford the brutal sport of hunting and worrying to death domestic ducka placed in ponds for that purpose. No dog is more intelligent or attached to his master; none like the poodle can trace out and find lost property with more certainty and perseverance. Several instances are on record of their remaining on the field of battle by the dead bodies of their masters, and Mr. Bell relates an anecdote of one who perceived his owner had dropped a gold coin, and watched it so carefully that he even refused food until the money was recovered.
The Little Barbet is a diminutive breed, with smooth and long silky hair on the head, ears, and tail, while the rest is more curly; .
The Griffon Dog is said to be a cross of the water-dog and sheep-dog. It resembles the former, but the ears are slightly raised; the hair is long, not curled, but gathers in pencils; the colour is usually black, with tan spots on the eyes and feet; the lips are clad with long hair.

Author By William Jardine, Published by Lizards
Published 1840

The Sportsman

Not so the Great Water Dog the 'Barbet' of Buffon, which will fight with great vigour, and bear pain like a hero. The Water Dog has long curly hair over his whole body his ears are very long, and furnished with shaggy hair, which falls far below their tips. His frame is coarser and stronger than that of the Spaniel, and his head much larger and rounder. He almost looks as if he had been produced by a cross between that dog and a large Russian, with perhaps a dash of Poodle.
The Water Dog is seldom used, except as a Retriever, in waterfowl shooting, and he requires little or no training, possessing a natural propensity for fetching and carrying, just as the Spanish Pointer does for field sports.
The Poodle is likewise frequently employed as a Retriever, but is less effective than the Water Dog, becoming more speedily chilled with constant swimming. His usual colour is white, and I am of opinion, a Poodle of no other colour can be genuine. The Poodle is a native of France, where its breed is more carefully attended to than with us. It is very easily trained, and may be taught a great number of amusing tricks.

Author Vol IV, January to June, Published in London
Published 1841

The Penny encyclopaedia of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge

The author of the Sportsman's Cabinet states that the race of dogs passing under the denomination of spaniels are of two kinds, one of which is considerably larger than the other, and known by the appellation of the Springing Spaniel,as applicable to every kind of game in any country, whilst the smaller is called the Cocker or Corking Spaniel, as being more adapted to covert and woodcock shooting. This appears to be a correct definition, and roost authors notice the two kinds, but some confusion has been introduced by the application of a name equivalent to that of Springing Spaniel to the Cocking Spaniel. Thus Bewick, who gives wood cuts both of the Large Water Spaniel and the Small Water Spaniel (both apparently modifications of the old Old Springing Spaniel), as well as one of the Large Rough Water dog (Canis uviarius aquaticus, ' a Water-spagnelle,'of Gesner, probably the Counts sitga.r ad aquas of Aldrovaudus, and Grand Barbet of Buffon, Water-Dog of Pennant), represents the small breed under the name of The Springer or Cocker. Bell also calls this last the Springer. Lieut.-Col. Hamilton .Smith enumerates 'The Spaniel . commonly called Water Spaniel;' 'The Springer:' 'King Charles's Spaniel;' and the'Cocker,' as well as the 'Water- dog, Canis aquaticus.'

Book The Penny encyclopædia of the Society for the Diffusion...
Author By George Long, Published by C. Knight.
Published 1842

Le jardin des plantes: description et moeurs des mammiféres de la mènagerie

The Barbet or Poodle (Canis aquaticus, Lin.) has large and pendulous ears, short legs, stocky body, thick nose, rather long, very long coat, curly and a bit woolly, black or white, or mixed with these two colors. It is the most loyal and the most intelligent of dogs. It has two sub-Varieties, which are - The Petit Barbet and The Barbet Griffon or English Dog.
The dog of Newfoundland (Canis aquatilis) is probably an ancient cross with the morning dog and barbet. It is less than the first size, but thicker and has the bare muzzle, large and rather elongated ears not large, but pendulous and silky like the spaniel, the coat silky, very long, wavy , white and black tail curved, raised in a beautiful plume. He enjoys to go in the water to remove objects that float on its surface, but this quality has been greatly exaggerated. He is friendly, loyal, and capable of a certain education.
Griffon (Canis arectus), the size of the largest barbet, but less severe form. His coat is rough, bristling, thin, usually of a tawny red or cherry, sometimes grayish, rarely white. It is a cross of the foxhound and barbet. It is good to hunt the hare. It is very attached to his master and his manners are rough and coarse.

Author By Pierre Boitard
Published 1842

Natural History of British and Foreign Quadrupeds

The Water Dog

The water-dog must not be confounded with the water-spaniel, compared with which it will be found to be much more robust. Its coat is curly and shaggy, and generally variegated with black and white; but some individuals are brown and white, or nearly all white. The muzzle is short and abrupt, the ears moderately long and the tail rather short and erect. The aquatic habits of this dog, the acuteness of its sense of smell, its great sagacity and strength, render it a highly useful servant to the numerous gunners of the north of England and Scotland, who live chiefly by shooting water-fowl, in the retrieving of which it exhibits the highest degree of docility and hardihood. The unerring accuracy with which this dog can be taught to search for and bring back to his master, articles which have either been lost or purposely left for the exercise of his powers, forms one of the most surprising instances of sagacity and intelligence to be found in the history of the species. If a coin or other small article be shown to the dog, and then put in a place of concealment, and the dog be sent even long afterwards, and from a distance, he searches the spot where it has been placed, until he finds it, and then returns it to his master. This power has often been carried to a great degree of perfection, and emplyed in perpetrating a destructive robbery of ducks, and other water-fowl.

Author By James H. Fennell
Published 1843

The Sportsman's Repository

Water Dog

The annexed Plate presents the truest possible representation of the original Water Dog of the opposite Continent, long since adopted in this Country; in some of the maritime districts still preserved in a state of purity, but the breed more generally intermixed with the Water Spaniel and Newfoundland Dog. The size of this Variety is between the Spaniel and Pointer. The original and prevalent colour upon the Continent, is black, with crispid and curly hair, black nose, white face, long black ears, the head and ears covered with black curly hair, the feet and lower parts of the legs, white. It is a dog of considerable strength and courage, indicating some cross in his composition alien to the Spaniel. Without the softness of the Spaniel, this breed however retains a great share of his native and peculiar properties, having equal sagacity of nose, superior activity and power, and aptitude to learn those manoeuvres and tricks, which render the dog either useful or amusing to man. Many of the learned dogs are of this race, and the mode in which they receive their knowledge seems inscrutible, unless on the supposition that they have a very general understanding of the language in which they are taught, and even such understanding granted, the feats they perform are almost miraculous. Doubtless the olfactory nerves are powerful allies to the brain of these animals, which the following example seems to evince.
A French Gentleman, proprietor of one of these dogs, took from his pocket a small coin, spat upon it, and warned the dog to take notice. In about twenty minutes, the coin was given to another Gentleman in the same room, but not within view of the dog. The Gentleman departed with the coin in his pocket, and walked about three miles, to the house of a friend, where much company, both ladies and gentlemen, were assembled. In about an hour thereafter, the owner of the dog ordered him to go seek the money. The dog, although a total stranger to both the road, and the house, whither the Gentleman, having the money about him, was gone, dragged him thither, and being admitted, went instantly up to and jumped upon him, in spite of all exertions to prevent him, still without offering any injury, and having by dint of perseverance obtained the coin, he returned and met his Master on the way, to whom he rendered it up, with as much apparent joy and exultation, as though he had thereby secured the greatest benefit to himself.
This breed is chiefly to be found in those parts of the Country, where a strong and hardy Water Dog is necessary; namely on the Northern Coasts and in the vicinity of great Rivers; in the inland and Southern parts, the Water Spaniel being most in use.
The Water Dog, exposed as he is to labour and severities, for the support of which, the hardiest constitution can be scarcely adequate, is seldom treated with that degree of care and kindness, to which he seems undoubtedly entitled. Besides being substantially fed, the utmost care should be used, to enable him thoroughly to dry his coat in a warm soft bed, on returning home from his chilling toils.

Author By John Scott & John Lawrence. Pub. by Henry G. Bohn, London.
Published 1845

Dictionnaire universel d'histoire naturelle.

45 - The BARBET or poodle, canis aquaticus of Linneaus, the Large Rough Waterdog of the English, the Grand Barbet of Buffon., sometimes reaches the size of a mastiff, but with shorter and stronger legs and a stockier body; his snout is thick, low lying; coat very long, curly and a little bit wooly, black or white, or these two colours mixed. It is the most loyal and intelligent of dogs. Sometimes on the lists for hunting, especially in the north of Europe, and it is useful because it goes very well to water. However in France, it is never worth the Spaniel and Braque, that scent much finer than him.
46 - Small Barbet, Canis minor Linn., differs from the `Grand` by its smaller size, very variable, a little less woolly and more spiky coat. The rest, same loyalty and the same intelligence.
47 - The Barbet-Griffon or English dog, is still smaller than the previous, shorter, more spiked, less woolly hair, ears less pendant, shape generally lighter. It is white, sometimes stained reddish blond. Also attached to his master like the previous, it is less intelligent and its education is much more difficult. He is sometimes angry and loud.
48 - The Griffon, canis arrectus, the hound dog of Buffon., is the size of the barbet, but lighter in form. Its coat is rough, spiky, shallow, usually a tawny red or blackish, sometimes gray, rarely white. I think it is an ancient mix of the hound and the barbet. It is good for hunting hare, but best for hunting fox. It rarely becomes much attached to his master and his manners are harsh and coarse.

Author Edited by Charles d' Orbigny.
Published 1845

Encyclopédie du dix neuvième siècle

The Barbets. No shorter than the preceding; robust body, legs long proportionate, fairly strong, long coat, silky, woolly, curly or ruffled.
The Poodle, Canis aquaticus, Lin. The Grand Barbet, Buff. ; Large Rough Water-dog of the English. It has large and drooping ears, deep muzzle, slightly elongated; coat very long, curly and a bit woolly, black or white, or mixed of these two colors. This is the most faithful, most intelligent of dogs. - he has three sub-varieties, namely; the little spaniel, Buff., Canis minor, Lin., Differing from the previous by size. - The griffon, Canis arrectus, Lin., The chasing hound , Buff., Beyond the largest size poodle, but less heavy, with rough and bristling fur. He focuses little on his master, and it is excellent for hunting fox. - The little griffon or English dog, is much smaller than the poodle, with bristling fur, usually white. It is loud and aggressive, but very attached to his master.

Author Edited by A. de Saint-Priest.
Published 1845

The Dog

The Barbet. is a small poodle, the production of some unknown and disadvantageous cross with the true poodle. It has all the sagacity of the poodle, and will perform even more than his tricks. It is always in action ; always fidgety ; generally incapable of much affection, but inheriting much self-love and occasional ill temper ; unmanageable by any one but its owner ; eaten up with red mange ; and frequently a nuisance to its master and a torment to every one else. We must not, however, do it injustice ; it is very intelligent, and truly attached to its owner.
The barbet possesses more sagacity than most other dogs, but it is sagacity of a particular kind, and frequently connected with various amusing tricks. Mr. Jesse, in his Gleanings in Natural History, gives a singular illustration of this. A friend of his had a barbet that was not always under proper command. In order to keep him in better order, he purchased a small whip, with which he corrected him once or twice during a walk. On his return the whip was put on a table in the hall, but on the next morning it was missing. It was soon afterwards found concealed in an out-building, and again made use of in correcting the dog. Once more it would have been lost, but, on watching the dog, who was suspected of having stolen it, he was seen to take it from the hall table in order to hide it once more.

Author By William Youatt, Elisha Joseph Lewis, Elisha Jarrett...
Published 1845

Dictionnaire des forets et des chasses publie.

The barbet. The barbet, which is also known as the poodle and duck dog, has long hair, very curly and thick, body fat and short, moderately long legs, round head, short nose and ears large and pendulous. Colour varies much, but black and white are those that are found most commonly. This dog has an excellent nose, a wonderful intelligence, and we can draw on all services. It is particularly suitable for hunting waterfowl, due to its willingness to put themselves in the water. This dog requires great care to be kept clean, and therefore in health. It must be combed frequently to destroy the vermin to which it is subject, and especially clipping the feet, between toes and on the muzzle. The tail is clipped as the setter is. The barbet is well employed in England for hunting in the marsh. We even take them on board boats where they learn to find to what falls into the water and seabirds that are killed. It can be taught to point.

Book Dictionnaire des forets et des chasses publie.
Author By Leon Betrand
Published 1846

The natural history of man.

Skull of the Chien Barbet or Water-Spaniel

In the shepherd's dog, the bones rise perpendicularly to one-half of their vertical extent, and then become arched over the space occupied by the brain. The wolf- dog resembles the shepherd's dog. Again, in the spaniel and water-dog, the capacity of the cranium is much greater than in the shepherd's dog; and these races, in all their varieties, are remarkable for a great developement of the frontal sinus, which is so considerable as to give the outline of the forehead a direction almost perpendicular to that of the nasal bones; the lower jaw is very much bent. The wolf-dog, and the spaniel and water-dog, display wonderful intelligence, and seem to understand the voice of men.

Author By James Cowles Prichard.
Published 1848

On the Domesticated Animals of the British Islands

The Barbet, or Water-dog, Canis avianus aqualicus of Linnaeus, has been spread from time immemorial over a great part of Europe. All the characters of this dog indicate that he is the creature of an aquatic situation, suited to find his prey in marshes, pools, and rivers, where water-fowls abound. His feet are webbed, and he swims and dives with rapidity and ease. His fur is shaggy and curling, his ears are pendent, and his tail is short or rudimental. He is not a fierce dog, and avoids the combats to which other dogs are prone. He delights to fetch and carry, and is well adapted to the hunting of wild ducks and other aquatic birds, whose nests he ferrets out among the reeds in which they are concealed. He is used in this country as a retriever, in districts of sedgy rivers and marshes, and on the coasts where the shooting of sea-fowls is practised. He is a favourite with sailors, on account of his readiness to leap into the sea, and recover what has fallen overboard.
The purest of this race are derived from the marshy countries of Northern Europe and Asia. But the Barbet assumes a great variety of aspect, according to situation, and the uses to which he is habituated. He is large or small, according to the degree in which his muscular powers are called forth by exercise, and more or less covered with hair, according to the climate. When reared up as a household dog in our dwellings, the race progressively diminishes in size, and loses the rude and shaggy aspect distinctive of it in a state of greater liberty. The little Barbet of the French, termed by us a Poodle, is one of the most curious varieties of the race. It is wonderfully fitted to receive instruction of any kind, and even imitates the actions of persons about it. It is likewise a faithful dog, and manifests great attachment to its immediate master.
A fine variety of the Barbet group is the English Water- Spaniel, popularly so called. The fur of this dog is short, curly, and usually of a deep brown colour, and his general aspect is mild and graceful. He is docile and sagacious, valued by the sportsman as a retriever, and capable of receiving any kind of instruction. The race has now become rare. It was probably produced by a mixture of the blood of the Barbet with that of the Old English Setter.

Author By David Low. Published by Longman, Brown, Green &...
Published 1853

Feuille D`Avis De Neuchatel.

LOST OR FOUND - Lost barbet, small size, long white hair mingled with yellow, tail raised in a plume, brown and drooping ears, and he responds to the name Chéri and wears a collar with a plaque marked St-Blaise. Ms. Zelie Brondre of Pelilpierre, St-Blaise, offers a reward to the person who will return him or could give specific information leading to his return.

Book Feuille D`Avis De Neuchatel.(Newspaper)
Author Issue 82, 3rd November
Published 1855

Chasse a Tir en France.

The barbet or poodle, has a round head, long curly hair that looks like wool, so that one is forced to cut it several times a year. There is no animal that is endowed with more intelligence, and learns everything easily you want to show him. It is good to report. I've seen hunters go out with a setter and a barbet, the first stopped the game, the other would pick it up. I have met only once a barbet working as a ponter itself. It was begging carefully, but the search was heavy, and, whether it was the fault of the individual or that of his breed, he seemed to have less nose than other dogs. In Spanish it is called water dog, perro de agua. They say he works excellently in the swamp, but I can only speak from hearsay.

Book Chasse a Tir en France.
Author By Joseph La Vallée
Published 1855

Feuille D`Avis De Neuchatel.

LOST OR FOUND - On 12 August a barbet puppy, dragging his chain, unmarked at the collar, was given to a person in the city. The claim against designation fees and the costs at the mound No. 3, Neuchâtel.

Book Feuille D`Avis De Neuchatel.(Newspaper)
Author Issue 67, 21st August
Published 1856

A new and improved standard French and English and English and French dictionary

BARBET, TE, s. water-dog, shagged dog, spaniel, rug. Ce —va bien it L`eau ; that spaniel takes to water well.
Ere crotte comme an —; to be as dirty as can be. BARBETTE, sf. a platform, barbe, barbet.

Book A new and improved standard French and English and...
Author Published by C.G. Henderson & Co.
Published 1856

The Physiological & Anecdotal History of Dogs of all breeds.

Chien Barbet

'Le chien canne', otherwise called a barbet in French or a poodle in English, is clad in a soft wool coat, so that he is often called a 'chien mouton'. It's a stocky, stoutish animal more uncouth than the griffon, for his body is short, his limbs out of proportion, his head round, and sitting awkwardly on his shoulders, his ears pendulous and huge in size. On the other hand, his qualities recall the proverb, which declares that you shouldn't judge by appearances. An excellent sense of smell, a poodle's faithfulness, such intelligence that one of them has been playing dominoes and cards, a unique level of quickness, such are the remarkable instincts of the barbet. Water is the true element of this breed of dog who swims with such ease, that, before the Newfoundland became fashionable, ships' captains always took a barbet on board with them, either to retrieve something which had fallen overboard or to retrieve seabirds, which they would kill during the voyage.
Unfortunately, barbets require a great deal of grooming. If one doesn't want to see them infested with vermin, and taken ill as a result, it is essential to comb them very often, to clip the legs, the muzzle and around the base of the tail. The barbet probably had, as ancestors, the land spaniel and the water spaniel. In former times, in Denmark [picture] and in Piedmont (two countries which claim the honour of having been the first to breed these animals) they were used for hunting in marshes. In the 16th century barbets were used for hunting ducks - from where comes the nickname of 'reed' or 'poodle', but in the 19th century they were no longer used for this, but were trained to become wise dogs.
I will recount the story of the barbet 'Munito', who gave us so much joy in our youth. In 1829, someone exhibited in London, two barbets, who, seated solemnly at a table played a game of écarté, [French card game] as rapidly as professional card players. The cards were spread out in front of them and each, in turn, would touch the card to play, with his right paw. I leave it to my readers to work out the method used by those who had given these dogs this pleasing society skill. However it was done, it gave great pleasure to the spectators.
During the Restoration, there lived at the door of a Paris townhouse, a little shoeblack, who owned a large black barbet, whose particular talent was to get work for him. This barbet would wet his great, hairy paws in the stream and then place them on the shoes of the first passerby. The shoeblack, urged to repair the damage, would present his footstool; 'Monsieur, clean the boots!' While his owner was thus occupied, the dog would sit at his side. It would have been useless to go and make another passerby's shoes dirty then; but as soon as the footstool was free, this little game would restart. The spirit of the dog, and the niceness of his young master, who would make himself useful to the servants of the house, gave both of them entry into the courtyard, into the kitchen and a fame which spread, by word of mouth, right up to the Salon of the house. A famous Englishman came to stay. He asked to see the master and his dog. They were brought upstairs and Albion's son conceiving a passion for the animal, wished to buy it. He offered 10 louis, 15 louis for him. The fifteen louis tempted the child, dazzled by so many important people. The dog was sold, taken away, chained up and put in a stage coach, bound for Calais the following morning, from where he was taken to London.
His master wept for him, with a tenderness mixed with remorse. Unexpected Joy! Two weeks later, the dog reappeared at the door of the house, dirtier than ever and making passersby even more dirty. Forced to get down (from the coach) many times during the journey, he had doubtless noticed that he was getting a long way from Paris, in a carriage, following a certain direction, that he was embarked on a steamer and that a third carriage was taking him from Dover to London. Most of these vehicles were coaches which travelled back and forth, on the same route. The dog had returned from his purchaser's house to the departure office, and had followed a carriage, perhaps the identical one that he had been in, travelling in the opposite direction, along the route by which he had come. Having arrived at Dover, he had waited for the same steamer, on which he had already made the crossing and embarked for Calais. There, he began to follow the same carriage, which had brought him here. All his previous wanderings had made him able to work out that having walked well to get somewhere, he needed to retrace his steps to get back to his home, and home was beside his master.

Author By Bénédict Henry Révoil, Alexandre Dumas. Published by E Dentu
Published 1857

The classic French reader

The barbet, who wished to affirm his French name, pushed his courage to the point of recklessness. A bullet ended the matter. The mastiff was killed, 'Moustache' had his right ear blown off right back to the skull. He was a bit stunned by this, but not in the least afraid; and seeing that the French army, victorious as usual, was resting, finally on the harvest of laurels which it had just gathered, he returned proudly to the camp, seeming to say to himself; 'When posterity talks of 'Moustache', people will say `Did this dog also fight at the battle of Marengo?`

Book The classic French reader
Author By Alain de Fivas, M. de Fivas. Published by D. Appleton...
Published 1857

Encyclopaedia of Practical Agriculture

The barbet spaniel-poodle, or dog duck, is covered with long and curly wool-like hair, such that one is obliged to cut it several times per annum.

Book Encyclopaedia of Practical Agriculture
Author None
Published 1859

Hunting With The Pointer.

The barbet spaniel is remarkable for its intelligence,….It has long hair that is bulky, woolly and curly, analogous with that of sheep.

Book Hunting With The Pointer.
Author By Adolphe de la Neuville
Published 1860

Dictionnaire de la conversation et de la lecture

`BARBET. This is the name of a breed of dog. The barbet is covered with long, fine and curly hair, coloured black, spotted black on white, or all white. It has a large and round head, ears wide and pendulous, short legs, thick body, almost horizontal tail. Its length from the tip of the snout to the base of the of the tail, is of eighty centimetres. Of all the dogs it is the more intelligent and more likely to become attached. He loves the water, swims with ease, and strives for the hunting of waterfowl; which earned him the name of poodle, dog-duck.
The petit barbet is smaller, is distinguished by its smaller nose and his hair which is silky and curly atop the ears and the tip of the tail. It seems it was produced from a mix of the barbet with the spaniel..
The Griffon, on the contrary, appears to come from a cross between the barbet and the sheepdog. It is medium or small in size, has the shape of the barbet, with ears a little straightened, long hair, not curly, and arranged by small wicks that go in all directions; the snout is also covered in long hair as is the rest of the body. They hunt well when they are tall and a little bit strong.

Author By By William Duckett (Fils)
Published 1860

House Dogs and Sporting Dogs.

The Barbet. Is a smaller breed of poodle. In colour he is generally white.

Book House Dogs and Sporting Dogs
Author By John Meyrick. Published by John Van Voorst,London
Published 1861

The new American cyclopaedia. a popular dictionary of general knowledge, Volume 13

POODLE (canis aquatietis), the barbet or water dog. It has a high and round head, large cavity for the brain, expanded frontal sinuses, long ears, compact body, and rather short legs. The hair is long, curly, black, white, or the two mixed, sometimes with rufous marks. The large variety stands 18 to 20 inches high at the shoulders, and has coarse curled hair, often shaved to represent a miniature lion; the muzzle is short and prominent, and the tail is rather short and somewhat erect. It has long been known to fishermen and sportsmen as an excellent water dog; the sense of smell is exquisite, which gives it a remarkable power of tracing out the lost property of its master; it is strong, intelligent, and affectionate; it used to be a great favorite with soldiers on the continent of Europe, and many affecting anecdotes are on record of its fidelity to its living and attachment to its dead master. There is a diminutive breed, with longer, more silky, and curly hair, generally white, fit only for a lap dog; it is often the companion of unmarried and elderly ladies and childless wives.

Book The new American cyclopaedia. a popular dictionary of...
Author By George Ripley, Charles Anderson Dana
Published 1861

Le livre de la ferme et des maisons de campagne.

Fig.1597 - Barbet

The Barbet dog. The barbet is just the poodle dog. It has the round head, short muzzle, curly coat, large body, short and close to land, large ears and hanging. He is very intelligent and relates very well, but searches heavily, and although gifted with a delicious sense of smell, it hard to stop. It is particularly suitable for hunting in marshes.
Despite what some English writers say, we believe that the retriever is just another variety of the barbet. The retriever is a dog exactly like the barbet, and hunters across the Channel only use it bring the game. It is claimed that the retriever, translated as `the finder`, is the ancestor to the spaniel and the dog of Newfoundland, or the spaniel and poodle. It is better to say naively that the retriever is the barbet perfected in terms of shape and hunting.

Author By Pierre Joigneaux. Published by V. Masson and sons.
Published 1865

Les Trois règnes de la nature; lectures d'histoire naturelle.

Especially to hunt duck, the qualities of scent are only secondary, you must have, above all, a rustic dog, enterprising, adventurous and a strong retriever. You can find this in some Spaniels, such as the English black spaniel called a Retriver, or the French brown and speckled Spaniel, you will find the most in Barbets and Griffons; these have no equal in these expeditions, ten times in a day, they will put their lives at risk, they are stronger, more robust, less fearful of cold than other species. If necessary you can do with a Poodle.

Author By Jean-Charles Chenu. Published by L. Hachette et cie. Paris.
Published 1865

Exposition universelle des races canines de 1865.

The Barbets have the coat completely woolly and are, in general, of very great size. Selincourt speaks of it with praise, they used to be used for hunting in the marsh, for which they have abilities, but nowadays they do not do more than act as guard dogs. It is the same with the Poodle, a type of barbet, smaller furry much longer, abundant and curled into long pulls, generally white. In Denmark, from where they are said to originate, there are black dogs, highly esteemed; other authors and Selincourt claim that the Poodle is on the contrary of Piedmontese (Italian) origin. They were still Sixteenth century, very frequently employed in the hunting of water-birds, whence their name comes from dog Cane (female duck) or Caniche (Poodle), but they have ceased to be so used, and their talents of pleasure have been cultivated in preference.

Author By P. Dupont. Published by Jardin d'acclimatation...
Published 1865

Spiers and Surenne's French and English pronouncing dictionary

BARBET (bar-bé ) n. m. TE, n, f barbet ; water-spaniel, dog.
BARBET, TE, adj. Chien —.barbet; water-spaniel dog.

Author By Alexander Spiers. Published by D. Appleton
Published 1866

Conseils aux chasseurs (eng:Advice To Hunters).

The barbet spaniel is a poor pointer, but very keen to go to water. The barbet spaniel has curly and woolly hair, its head is so full, that often one is obliged to shorten the enormous tufts which fall down in front of the eyes. It is good to trim it during the summer.

Book Conseils aux chasseurs (eng:Advice To Hunters).
Author By Charles Bémelmans
Published 1866

Grand dictionnaire universel du XIXe siècle

BARBET s. m. (Bar-bè rad. Beard, Because of his long hair, or from Barbary, like a beard, horse). Species of spaniel, the hair is long and curly,
The BARBET is very intelligent and very attached to his master: but the length of his hair means it gets horribly dirty walking through the streets. (Hun.) 'The BARBET's ears are quite outstanding.(Cuv.)
A barbet of mine this man displeased, began to suddenly bark.
If he had a little chicken, he would give the bones to a black barbet, his faithful companion.(Balz.)
Loc. familiar. Crotté comme un barbet: to be very muddy.
Il suivre quelqu'un comme un barbet: he follows him everywhere.
Il chercheur de barbet: he searches for a barbet, a conman who breaks into houses under any pretext, for example, to search for their barbet.
Ah! ce sont des CHERCHEURS DE BARBETS; they are thieves who want to steal my furniture.
Adj. Which is the race of barbets.A dog BARBET. Circé changed the companions of Ulysses into BARBETS. (Volt.) The barbets have a historical reputation to be the best of friends, they do us equal.(Volt.)
Encycl. The barbet is, of all dogs, one whose intelligence seems most suscepitible to development and is extremely attached to his master, and we know it, by definition, a blind mans dog. Its sense of smell is quite fine, and we can train him to all services. He loves the water and swims with ease, also employed by those that chase waterfowl. Education of this animal is very easy, but it requires much care to be kept clean.
There are two varieties of barbet: (1) the large barbet, characterized by Cuvier; head big, round skull more extensive than in any other race; front sinus well developed, very large ears, pendant. Short legs, thick body, short cut; tail nearly horizontal, long hair, curly throughout the body, black (or black on white) sometimes all white, or yellowish or rust. This dog often has the complexion of the mastiff, but it is generally more stocky in the body, legs shorter and stronger than the (2) small barbet, diffèrent from the previous by its size, smaller and coat a little less wooly and more bristly.

Author By Pierre Larousse. Pub: Administration du grand...
Published 1866

Le chien: histoire naturelle, races d'utilité et d'agrément

Fig.108 Le barbet

P.302 In the sixteenth century, for example, were confused under the same name of barbet, all long-haired dogs, chasing griffons, pointing griffons and running dogs with a curly fleece, those we now call poodles. Most frequently used while hunting waterfowl, these latter were designated as duck dogs, but only the female was called a poodle. Today between barbet spaniels and poodles, there is only one little slice of distinction; The differences are small and the points of resemblance are numerous.
P.303 Baron Noirmont adds: There were very large barbet, whose hair, curly though, was less woolly than poodles. We stopped using them for hunting, but their talents were cultivated for leisure, and various abilities. It is among them were recruited from the dogs. Their intelligence is well known and made their fortune, I do not say their happiness, for their strange fate is shared by the boards of jugglers and as a blind mans dog.
The barbet, with a woolly coat, are generally large. Removed from their former functions of hunters in the marsh, they serve as little more than guard dogs. Smaller and with a longer abundant corkscrew coat, the poodle is white or black. We argue its origin. Some say born native of Denmark, others believe native France. The English hold the latter opinion as reflected in the name they give to the `French Poodle` wittiest and most popular of dogs.

Author By Eugene Gayot. Published by Firmin-Didot.
Published 1867

Histoire de la chasse en France depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'à la Révolution.

(P.105) If they remain in covered ground, we need goshawks and other birds of prey to fly around for partridge or pheasant in the woods, hedges and bushes, and to flush them, barbets that retrieve well and heavy spaniels that boldly pierce the thick bushes.
(P.185) Often waterfowl, terrified by the appearance of the enemy [birds of prey] hovering above them, refused to fly, despite the cries of falconers and prosecution of barbets, a firearm is then discharged to induce them to fly.
(P.199) To go in the river, the best dogs were the barbets, more docile and less pillaging than griffons. English spaniels and Flemish water dogs were also quite good, and retrieved as well as their more or less direct descendants, the retrievers of modern England.

Author By Dunoyer de Noirmont. Published by Vve Bouchard-Huzard (Paris)
Published 1867

Chambers's encyclopaedia: a dictionary of universal knowledge for the people

Water Spaniel

WATER-DOG, a kind of dog, of which the Poodle (q. v.) is regarded as a sub-variety. The head is rather large and round, the ears long, the legs rather short, the general form compact, the hair everywhere long and curly. The Water-dog of England, common before the poodle had been introduced from the continent, is still much esteemed by professional wild-fowl shooters, and by the fishermen of the north-eastern counties. It is about 18 or 20 inches high at the shoulder. The hair is coarser and crisper than that of the poodle. This dog was formerly sometimes used in London for the brutal sport of hunting and worrying domestic ducks, placed in a pond for the purpose. It is an intelligent and affectionate kind of dog, although not of much beauty.

Author Published by W. and R. Chambers.
Published 1868

The Dog - Its origin, natural history, and varieties.

This is a dog of considerable size, being about the height of a stout setter, but much more powerfully built. His coat is long and curled; the head is large and round; the frontal sinuses ample; ears long, and well furnished with hair; legs rather short; color usually brown and white, or black and white; he possesses great courage and sagacity; he is an excellent water-dog, and well adapted to the duties of a retriever; he, however, requires considerable training to introduce him to be tender of his game, as he is apt to drive in his teeth, and consequently mangle his bird. This dog is not to be confounded with the poodle of either France or Germany ; he is a more original, and a very different dog.
I recollect a singularly large dog of this breed, about ten years ago, in possession of Mr. Grierson, of North Hanover street, Edinburgh, near the foot of the Mound, which was possessed of unusual intelligence. Among other eccentricities, this dog followed the profession of mendicancy, and regularly solicited the charity of the passers-by. On receiving a halfpenny, his habit was, if hungry, to proceed at once to the shop of Mr. Nelson, at the corner of Rose street, and purchase a biscuit; but it sometimes happened that he put by his halfpence until the calls of appetite returned, when he would go to his repository, take the money to the baker's, and make his purchase. A servant of Mr. Grierson's accidentally came upon this sagacious and provident animal's hoarding-place on one occasion, where were found about five-pence halfpenny in halfpence. The dog chanced to enter at the moment of the discovery, and with a growl of displeasure he rushed to the spot, and snatching up his wealth, proceeded at full speed to the shop, and dashed the money on the counter, barking vehemently at the same time, probably deeming it safer to turn it into bread at once, than risk being robbed by keeping it. This dog was stuffed at his death, and is preserved in the Ed. Mus. of Nat. History.
The Poodle resembles the great water-dog in general appearance, but may be very easily disting fished from him by the circumstance of his being furnished with wool instead of hair. The Poodle is an excellent water-dog, but is not so hardy, and consequently not capable of remaining in the water so long as the preceding variety ; he is, however, more active, more easily trained, and far more tender mouthed. Mr. Jesse, in his 'Gleanings,' mentions a Poodle belonging to a friend of his, for whom correction was found necessary, he being sometimes rather unruly; The gentleman bought a whip, with which he corrected him once or twice when out walking ; on his return he left the whip on the hall-table, and in the morning it was missing. Having been found concealed in an out-building, and, as before, used when occasion required, in correcting the dog, it was once more missed ; but on the dog, who was suspected of having stolen it, being watched, he was seen to take it from the hall table, in order to hide it as before.
In a most amusing paper, entitled 'Sketches of Burschen Life,' published in that excellent periodical, THE DUBLIN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE, for July, 1846, is the following laughable anecdote of a Poodle and a short-sighted Professor. There was a story, when we were in Heidelberg, going about of a certain student who had a remarkably fine white Poodle; the intelligence and sagacity of the animal were uncommon, and as he used daily to accompany his master to the lecture-room of a professor, who was not very remarkable for the distinctness of his vision, he would regularly take his seat upon the bench beside his master, and peer into his book, as if he understood every word of it. One wet morning, the lecture-room, never, at any time, remarkable for its fulness, was deserted, save by the student who owned the Poodle. The dog, however, had somehow happened to remain at home. ' Gentlemen,' said the short-sighted professor, as he com- menced his lecture, * I am sorry to notice, that the very attentive student in the white coat, whose industry I have not failed to observe, is, contrary to his usual custom, absent to-day!
Is a diminutive poodle, the head being covered with straight and silky hair the rest of the body having a curly and woolly coat.

Author by H.D Richardson. Published by S. Orr & Co. London.
Published 1874

Le Chien. Description des races. Croisements. Elevage. Dressage

Barbet ou Caniche

The Barbet or Poodle. - This dog is known in France from the earliest times, as being most intelligent, most docile and most faithful. With patience , gentleness and a fair reward for one`s efforts, we get what we want, and we often see these dogs in circuses and fairground theaters doing wonderful tricks for which it appears a dose of reasoning is necessary.
The Barbet has a pretty good nose, he loves the water and swims with great ease, and he was employed in other times to hunt in the marsh, especially for duck, hence the name Caniche [As the poodle is known in France-Ed.]. But now he is generally adopted as a companion and friend of man.
The Barbet is characterized by its large head with high forehead, long droopy ears well furnished with thick, curly hair, its very sharp little eyes, his lined square muzzle, heavy moustache and air of quiet dignity which he abandons when excited to play. Her body has the proportions of the pointer, but it is covered with a thick coat of long and curly hair that hangs in corkscrews on the lower body. The tail is not very long, but covered with curly hair in small loops; legs are fine and completely covered with small curls of hair, small feet are round and moderately hairy. The normal colour of the Barbet is white, but we see black and white and all black, the latter colour is much rarer. Its size is 0m,40 to 0m,50.
We represent here the natural Barbet 's coat [see fig.], but generally it was a habit of it shaving the lower body, so it gives the appearance of a lion, often the coat is allowed to be prepared in a decoration with a large tuft at the end of the tail.

Author Éditeur. J. Rothschild (Paris)
Published 1876

L'Art du vétérinaire mis en pratique.

7. Barbet

P487: Barbet. The general features of the barbet are the large and round head, the beautiful eyes, the developed frontal sinuses, the short muzzle, the stocky body, the long hair, cottony and curly, of black or spotted color; sometimes reddish, or quite white. The barbet d'arrêt is a griffin, it is very easy to dress. It goes to water and is used in all kinds of hunting. It is, of all the dogs, the most likely of a complete education, and the most affectionate to his master.
P486: Griffon. - The griffon comes from the mixture of a spaniel with a braque, or a braque with a barbet. Griffons are distinguished by their hard or silky coat.

Author By F. de La Brugère. Edited by A. Fayard (Paris)
Published 1877

Tete de chien Barbet

Tete de chien Barbet

Book Tete de chien Barbet.
Author Painted by French artist Edouard Manet
Published 1877

Catalogue officiel. Vol.7 - Exposition universelle internationale de 1878 à Paris

3rd Division, Hunting and pointing dogs.
Group 1 : Pointing Dogs with rough hair, braques and pointers.
Group 2 : Pointing dogs with long hair, spaniels, setters, spanichs
Group 3 : Griffons, Barbets and retrievers.
1st Category - Wirehaired griffon, silky-haired, comic, etc..
2nd Category - Large barbet.
3rd Category - Poodles of all colours.
4th category - Retrievers black and brown.

Author By F. de La Brugère. Edited by A. Fayard (Paris)
Published 1878

Le Livre du chasseur

The Barbet - Despite his rare intelligence, his wonderful sagacity, the barbet is somewhat little used. The barbet d'arrêt is from the griffon and it is very easy to train. It goes to water beautifully and is used in all types of hunting. It retrieves with great consistancy, and of all the dogs is susceptible to a complete education. It could be used to advantage in conjunction with a pointer itself.

Author By Charle Diguet. Published by A. Fayard (Paris)
Published 1881

The illustrated book of the dog

THE WATER SPANIEL. In spite of the remarks made by Dr. Caius about the Water Spaniel, there appears to be no mention made of him by subsequent writers for many years ; and this fact is the more inexplicable when it is considered that allusions are made by several of them to the Water-dog, which, however, is also alluded to by some authors in addition to the Water Spaniel, as will be seen later on. The idea that has been forced upon us by the perusal of several of the earlier writers on canine subjects is, that the Water-dog was a descendant of the Water Spaniel referred to by Dr. Caius in his 'Englishe Dogges,' and that he had become crossed with other breeds to such an extent that a great deal of his original identity was lost, and, generally speaking, dogs who were used for the pursuit of wild-fowl were designated Water-dogs.
The white Poodle also presents marked variations, ranging from the great muscular fellow who draws a milk-cart in Antwerp and Brussels to his more slender French brother familiarly called Mouton, who is so constantly met with on the Paris boulevards. The size of the two breeds differs considerably, the larger one averaging some 30 or 40 Ibs., while the smaller, generally known under the name of Barbet, only weighs about half that figure. Of the various breeds mentioned the Russian is the most valuable. As a rule he is highly intelligent, and is altogether a handsomer and more gracefully-formed dog, while his coat, being black, is free from that soiled appearance which is so great a drawback to the white breed. The hair of the various breeds is also somewhat different that of the Russian being more wiry and less woolly than the French, who, from the texture of his coat, frequently merits his pastoral nickname.

Author By Shaw, Vero Kemball. Published by Cassell, Petter,...
Published 1881

Le chiens D`Arret - Francais et Anglais

Le Barbet, 1881

The name barbet , which for three centuries was given to all the setting dogs with long hair, was replaced since by that of caniche, so the origin of the name is obviously duck. For a long time cane [male duck .fr] indicated the male barbet , and caniche the female. But the barbet is not a poodle, the blind dog. In certain aptitudes for hunting, the barbet has a little of the spaniel and the griffon, and much of the poodle by its aspect and its conformation. Like the spaniel, this dog originates from the sheepdog of the north. Over time, crossings and the climate, the barbet became what it is nowadays. I do not believe that the breed is well fixed; what causes me has to think this are the differences that one frequently finds in it. At the Dog Show of 1863, there was a prime barbet, Lowe owned by Mr. Favre. This dog had a head which slightly resembled a small Newfoundland, only the ears were longer and were covered with wool, but the muzzle, a little longer, was almost bare; long hair did not cover the eyes, as is found in almost all barbets.
The barbet, such as I know it, is of average size, strong enough to bring back a hare; its body, is entirely covered with long wool which falls down in front of the eyes. The ears are long, less long however than those of the poodle; though very squat, it is higher on legs than the poodle. The foot is large and broad. The eyes, set round in the head, when one sees them under the hair which hides them, have a strange expression which reveals much intelligence and kindness. I have never looked at the eyes, so full with devotion, of a poodle or of a barbet without feeling attracted towards him, without stroking him.
The tail of the barbet is long and bulky. I speak only about the large barbet, there are also barbets of small size. I saw a whole family, last summer at the Cologne Dog Show; there were six of them, they were very white, and really extremely pretty. But, in short, they are only companion dogs and without utility for hunting. However, the small barbet can serve by going to seek ducks in the morning killed in the night by the hunters at the hut.
Is the barbet, because it stops, a pointer, strictly speaking? I do not think it. All the dogs, or nearly all, do not mark the stop? Doesn't one obtain a good animal that one wants by education? I saw a young large black barbet hunting, which very suitably stopped rabbit and pheasant, but his search was slow, without animation; this good animal appeared to search much more by obligation than by love, than by taste for hunting, it acted without any passion. In plain, the weather is too hot to begin; the hares and young partridges interest it little. The true medium of the barbet, they are the marshes, the groves of reeds, the large wet grasses; it is the dog of the malarial areas, of the countries of fever, the estuary bird, hunting for the young duckling, of wildfowl in general, he is the `canis aviaries aquaticus` most excellent. I know that I will be told that the barbet is as good as any spaniel; it is possible, however those subjects are rare, and, when one looks at them closely, one discovers quickly that they are not true barbet, that there are in them, many things due to their hereditary and who come from another race. Lowe, from M.Favre, already named, was one of these dogs. In all the cases, one should see here only exceptions, the results of raising by an intelligent Master, secondly by happy chance.
In a few words, the barbet is by no means a specialist equipped to make a complete pointer; also one would not be astonished if one saw it preferring a game of dominoes or cards, sharing the platform of the travelling acrobat to covering the richest in young partridges and hares. This is the barbet resulting from a first crossing, to say a poodle. It goes without saying that the barbet will all the more move away from the poodle to approach the pointer which will have more foreign blood in its veins. This can appear naive, but it is no less the truth. To summarize, what can we reasonably conclude from this, apart from the fact that it is not a confirmed breed, and that, by reproducing barbets between them, we would revert invariably to dogs for the blind The coat of the barbet is of two colours only; it is sometimes white with black spots, sometimes with chestnut spots. Usually, in my barbet at least, the long and often thick coat, requires greater cleanliness, more still than in the spaniel.
It is not entirely true when one says; “Muddy like a barbet” Ultimately, the true merit of the barbet spaniel is of going to water of the most excessive cold, and paying well. The water-spaniel of the English is our perfect barbet.
I have just seen that this definition is not in agreement with science which, if I understood it well, gives the name of barbet to all the dogs which have a beard; it is rather logical, of the rest. Here is what has lead me to this discovery. A connoissor of the race, who has all my confidence, has just sent to the kennels of the Zoological gardens a dog which one has placed in the same box, next to two griffon's, who are placed in the same bracket, has a short tail. This newcomer, according to me, is a griffon; despite the respect that I profess for the scientist who has classed this dog among the barbet, I see another thing. This subject is very tall on its legs, its hindquarters are very defective, the head alone is well; the hard hair, on the kidney especially, is short; aren't these the principal features of the griffon? It seems to me that this dog would be better placed in the home of a simple amateur than the kennels of the Zoological gardens, so the doors must remain closed on these doubtful animals with bad characteristics.
It is true that here the difficulty is large, and that one will often be embarrassed with the question of coming to a conclusion about an animal of the race which will not be more characterised that of the barbet.

Author By A. De La Rue , M. De Cherville. Illustrated by Ernest...
Published 1881

The Imperial dictionary, on the basis of Webster's English dictionary

Fr. barbet, from L barba, a beard. 1. A variety of dog having long curly hair; a poodle.

Book The Imperial dictionary, on the basis of Webster's...
Author By John Ogilvie
Published 1882

The Dogs of the British Islands - Being a Series of Articles on the Points of Their Various Breeds, and the Treatment of the Diseases to Which They Are Subject

The Poodle (P253) He is always larger than the largest sized spaniel, which, however, he resembles in form. He is robust in build, and has a peculiarly thick and full covering of hair. His occipitis is well pronounced, his head is round, his forehead is strongly arched, his muzzle is short, high, and stumpy, his neck short and thick; his body is compact and cobby, his legs are comparatively short and strong, and he is more web-footed than any other breed. The hair over his body is long, thick, soft, woolly, and entirely curled, even over the face, and especially the mouth, where it forms a decided moustache. On the ears and tail the hair is more knotty and matted. Specimens of this breed are white, light liver, liver, light grey, dark grey, dark liver, or black. Sometimes the markings are peculiar, in as much that, on a light ground, great irregular dark grey, or black patches occur. When the dogs are liver-coloured or black, there are white spots on their muzzles and throats, on the nape of their necks, on their breasts, bellies, feet, and tail. They are seldom cropped, but are almost invariably docked. The Italians call them can barbone; the French barbets, grand barbets, barbeitons caniches ; the English denominate them water dogs, water spaniels, finders, and poodles. Neither the Greeks nor the Romans appear to have known these dogs, and the old German authors of the middle ages do not mention them. In the sixteenth century they are, for the first time, mentioned by Conrad Gesner, who, in 1555, gives a description and illustration of these dogs. The great poodle is most easily trained, and his peculiar adaptation for marsh work is not found in any such high degree in any other kind of dog. His liveliness, attachment, and faithfulness, combined with his good temper, trust, and obedience, make of him a thoroughly good companion. He always looks for his master, likes to please him, and is never tired of doing all he can to further that end. He is a splendid swimmer, and the best of water retrievers. He grasps everything he is taught so readily that he is trained very quickly; hence he is a good performer in whatever pursuit his talents may be called into requisition.
In fact, one may say, as a very general rule, that the poodle in England is almost universally either a performing dog or a mere pet, or lap or companion dog, according to his size ; but he is rarely employed as a sporting dog. Not so in the vast marshes of the Continent, and especially in those marais of the French departments of the Pas-de-Calais, Nord, and Somme ; in Belgium, in Holland, in Denmark, in Northern Germany, and in Russia, where night-decoying of ducks to the hut is extensively practised. As late back as January, 1872, an article of mine appeared in Baily's Magazine, entitled 'Duck-decoying in Abbeville Marshes,' wherein I related the performance of a celebrated poodle who accompanied a French huttier and myself on our expeditions. Without him half our birds would have been lost ; and this will become apparent when I state that at least half the birds fired at are only winged or disabled, and thus, without a dog gifted with sense, nose, and pluck, it would be perfectly impossible for the shooters, in the dead of the night, to collect their game. This the poodle does, with a rapidity and intelligence which are simply unsurpassable. In short, he is so well adapted for that sort of work, that in French his generic name caniche is directly derived from duck (canard). He is also called chien canne, which is quite as much a derivation; and in some districts where the ooze abounds the name barbet is applied to him. This word barbet is evidently a diminutive for barbotteur, i.e., a 'mud-lark' a dog fond of paddling about in the mud.

Author By John Henry Walsh; pseud.`Stonehenge`
Published 1882

Voyage au pays des caniches ou Histoire des chiens célèbres.

Barbet or poodle. - The barbet, said Buffon, is very intelligent and very attached to his master; but the length of coat exposes it to get awfully dirty walking through the streets. From there the saying comes; it is dirty as a barbet. This animal is excellent as a dog for the blind; its sense of smell is quite fine, and it can perform all services. It loves the water and swims with ease, also it is used for the hunting of water birds. There are two varieties of barbet dog; the great barbet, often reaching the size of the mastiff, and the small barbet, which differs from the previous by its smaller size and a little less woolly and more spiky fur.

Author By Clarisse Juranville. Published by Librairie de J....
Published 1882

Le Chenil, Journal hebdomadaire illustré des chasseurs et des éleveurs.

Following the trip to Germany, by Dr. Boulet,of Elbeuf to visit the Kennel of Mr. Korlhals, these gentlemen agreed to introduce for fans of the griffons the points that they regard as the most accurate, and submit them to the judgment of all breeders.
Barbets d'arrêt.....................................................................................Points
Head - Large, developed forehead, nose a little short, trimmed with long drooping mustaches............15
Eyes - Round, bright, intelligent, completely covered by thick long drooping eyebrows to the muzzle....10
Ears - Flat garnished with long hair....................................................................5
Neck - Short and thick..................................................................................5
Kidney - Short, strong and vigorous....................................................................10
Chest - Large, without much depth......................................................................10
Legs - Strong and thick, furnished with long hair from top to bottom....................................5
Feet - Round, covered with hair.........................................................................5
Tail - Raised towards the end..........................................................................10
Color - Grey, black, cafe au lait, dirty white, etc.....................................................5
Height - From 45 to 55 centimeters......................................................................5
Hair - Woolly and curly................................................................................15
It very much likes the water and is used primarily for hunting in the marshes.

Author Illustrated weekly newspaper for hunters and breeders
Published 1886

Dog Breeds.

The Barbet spaniel, the Barbette, is the canis aquaticus of Linné, The broad rough water dog or the English barbet spaniel, it is the “perro de agua” of the Spaniards, it is what we still call “Caniche” ( the male); “cana”, (the female). The barbet spaniel is covered in long and curly hair similar to sheep’s wool.

Book Dog Breeds.
Author By A. Reul
Published 1891

Scientific American Supplement Volumes 643, 647, 664, 711, 717, 787, 794, 795, 799 and 803.

Barbets And Griffons.
To this latter category belong the dogs, par excellence, for hunting in swamps. The barbets are entirely covered with long curly hair, like the poodles, which are directly derived from them. They are white or gray, with large black or brown blotches. The griffons differ from the poodles in their coarse and stiff hair, which never curls. They have large brown blotches upon a white ground, which is much spotted or mixed, as in the color of the hair called roan. There is an excellent white and orange-colored variety. The griffons, neglected for a long time on account of the infatuation that was and is still had for English hunting dogs, are being received again with that favor which they have never ceased to be the object of in Germany and in Italy (where they bear the name of spinone). Breeders of merit, such as Mr. Korthals, in Germany, and Mr. E. Boulet, in France, are endeavoring to bring them into prominence. Finally, we reckon also among hunting dogs some very happy crosses between the spaniels and the barbets, which in England are called retrievers or water spaniels. - P. Megnin, in La Nature.

Author Various Authors. Publisher - Munn & Co.
Published 1891

Les races françaises de chiens d'arrêt.

Barbet d'arrêt

The barbet is a kind of griffon with a coat which is wooly and curly, it is roughly built like him but is much more common as a form. His head is round, eyebrows cover the eyes, the muzzle is shorter, the legs are large and heavy, his feet round and wide. We find a little bit of all colours.
We used to give the name of barbet to all griffons, and it is to establish the difference between him and long haired griffons, I give this description as the barbet can not be considered absolutely as a pointer. They are certainly found hunting in the plains and pointing, but this is the exception and there are such cases in many other breeds. I saw bassets and beagles who pointed but they have never been considered as a pointer.
The real hunting ground for the barbet is the marsh, it resists admirably the hardest cold ; it hunts very well wounded birds and retrieves ducks from icy water. Its conformation and the thickness of the fleece which prevent it from hunting in the plains and woods, where his hair gets caught in the brambles. It is therefore rather to consider the barbet as a retriever for hunting in wetlands.
This race, if it exists at the state of a race, is quite rare and could not be found in Belgium or Holland. Mr. Megnin in his new book on dog breeds, talks about Pilote, a barbet belonging to M. Coste, and here is what the owner has said; `As with his ancestors, Pilote`s element is water, nothing but water, and warm as it is in August or cold as December, bathing is always a pleasure for him. He would, I believe, be a sad figure on the plain, I`ve never led him there. The marsh only is his terrain and home. I have often returned from hunting with his coat prickly with ice, he never seemed inconvenienced for a second. Often in the coldest of winters, in 18 or 19 degrees below zero, while all his kennel mates were chilly and snuggled in straw, I found him lying in the yard, his snout and legs covered with snow and literally powdered with frost, the next day there was a mark in the place where the snow melted down to the ground under him. I wonder if many other breeds provide such resources of temperament and especially such a disdain of low temperatures. What a precious assistant for the waterfowl hunter in the service of this exceptionally hard hunt, as it brings pleasure and likes to wade more than his master, so young and so mad that it is.
Description of the Barbet pointer.
HEAD - Round, forehead developed, muzzle a little short, garnished with long drooping mustaches.
EARS - Long, flat, covered with long, curly hair or wicks.
EYE - Round, bright, intelligent, completely covered by thick and long eyebrows drooping to the muzzle.
NOSE - Brown or black.
Neck - Short and thick.
SHOULDER - Straight.
CHEST - Wide, without much depth.
RIB - Rounded.
LOINS - Short, strong and vigorous.
LEGS - Strong and large, covered with long hair down to the bottom.
FOOT - Round, broad, covered with hair.
TAIL - Raised and forming a hook towards the end.
COLOUR - Gray, black, coffee, dirty white, white and brown, etc.
HAIR - Long, woolly and curly, often gathers into large clumps.
HEIGHT - 45 to 55 cm
GENERAL APPEARANCE- Compact and vigorous.

Author By James de Coninck, illustrated by P. Mahler Published...
Published 1891

Les mammifères de la France; enseignement populaire et pratique; étude générale de toutes nos espèces considérées au point de vue utilitaire.

Fig 42. Barbet

The Barbets, which are also called Poodles, have long hair, thin and curly like water, swim with ease and relate well, but have little nose. They are endowed with a strong attachment to their masters and make excellent dogs for the blind. These are the most intelligent of our dogs, so it is mainly from them are recruited those used by entertainers or show dog trainers.
The Griffons are close enough to the Barbets that they still resemble their tastes and abilities. Their intelligence is smaller, but their noses much better, as used in hunting. Their hairs are more curly but long, hard, cut into needles and uneducated, they form a kind of armor that protects them enough against the brambles and thorns. Their ability to go to the water finds them hunting in marshes.

Author By Aimé Bouvier. Published by G.Carré (Paris)
Published 1891

A New Pocket Dictionary of the English and French Languages.

Barbet, bar'bit, «. barbet, caniche, m, Barbican

Book A New Pocket Dictionary of the English and French Languages.
Author By Ignaz Emanuel Wessely, J. E. Wessely. Published by B....
Published 1892

Le Sport universel illustré

Marouette - Barbet bitch used in hunting in marshes.

Dogs used for hunting in marshes are naturally long coated enough to withstand a prolonged stay in water; it is necessary to prohibit the use of braques and pointers. Among the long-haired dogs should be preferred Griffon for extreme endurance, the barbet is an excellent swimmer, which points poorly but retrieves surely, an essential quality in the hunt at hand. Of the English dogs, the Irish-Water Spaniel is the one with the most skills for hunting waterfowl.

Author (Paris)
Published 1897

The Encyclopædia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and General Literature.

BARBET, a variety of poodle - dog. It is very active, intelligent, faithful to its master, cross with strangers, and quite liable to disease.

Book The Encyclopædia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts,...
Author By Thomas Spencer Baynes, Day Otis Kellogg, William...
Published 1897


The barbet greatly resembles the poodle, it has the same appearance and conformation.

Book Dogs.
Author By Jean Robert and Louis Fort
Published 1898

La vie des animaux illustrée - sous la direction de Edmond Perrier. T. I-II, Les mammifères

THE HUNTING BARBET. - This breed is very old and was already recorded, by this name in the sixteenth century (Mégnin).
Character.- The Barbet is a well muscled dog. His head is rounded, the cranial capacity is large, so the frontal lobes form an acute angle with the nasal bones, his face is short, provided with an army of whiskers, very often messy, from where it gets its name `Dirty-beard`, the eyes are hidden in part by long eyebrows, the ears are flat and very hairy. The body is covered with long hair, curly, which forms into wicks, cords and plaits, which gives it a shaggy appearance. His color is dirty white, gray, brown or black. In size it reaches 0m 53cm. It is rare in France, but more common in Belgium.
Capabilities.- The Barbet is a docile dog, very intelligent, easy to train. Its sense of smell is very good, his memory excellent. He loves the water all year round, it `s an excellent hunting dog in the marshes. It has been diverted from its original function and made into a watchdog or house dog. As a result, three varieties come from the primitive root;
3 ° The POODLE, diminished by idleness, House dog.

Author By Auguste Ménégaux. Published by J.-B. Baillière et fils (Paris)
Published 1903

Le Sport universel illustré

Stop - Barbet.

Continental dogs. 1st prize: Stop, barbet, The winner, Stop,a white and black barbet such as are found in marshy countries, belongs to this breed of dogs for which retrieving is an ancient ability developed through daily use and a selection that was based on a considerable number of generations. He enjoyed , moreover, a very thorough training. Entirely in the hands of his master, very docile, absolutely calm , he showed an eagerness to work without equal.

Author (Paris)
Published 1904

The Twentieth Century Dog Volume 2 (Sporting)

Water-dog or Barbet.

About this time, or rather earlier, fresh importations of dogs probably took place from France, and we begin to hear for the first time of the rough water-dog, which was the same as the barbet of France, and was the progenitor of the modern poodle. The English water spaniel of the nineteenth century was almost certainly produced by a cross between the water-dog and the English springer spaniel, with, very likely, some of the old English breed in it as well.

Author by Herbert Compton. Published by Grant Richards, London
Published 1904

Manuel pratique de l'amateur de chiens.

Fig.11 Caniche.

Barbet or Poodle. This dog has a round head, hair long and curly, her body is stocky, the legs short and strong. The hair is wooly, so should be cut during the summer. His coat is white or black. It's the most intelligent of all dogs.
As noted by Mr. Gayot, it is not only races which are changing, the names are also changing. In the sixteenth century, for example, were confounded in the same designation of barbets, all dogs with long hair: griffon hounds, griffon pointers, hunting dogs with curly fleece, those we call today poodles. Very frequently used to hunt waterfowl, they were designated as the dog duck, the female alone was called a caniche.
Today, between barbets and poodles, there is but little distinction. One determining the other and mutually. This is harmless, as far as they are concerned, both points of resemblance are numerous. It is not so for others, it was necessary to separate and study separately.
The curly barbet and half coated, said Sélincourt, after all by foot, hunts nose down when the game is escaping, and when it remains still, hunts nose up and points. They hunt on land and in water, their primary nature is to retrieve. They are hard mouthed ,the curly more than others, but all are the most loyal dogs in the world and who want to know a master and never to lose sight of him.

Author By Albert Larbalétrier. Published by Garnier frères
Published 1907

Le Chien de luxe; Comment élever, dresser, et soigner nos chiens.

Barbet, or Caniche Vulgaire

Book Le Chien de luxe; Comment élever, dresser, et soigner nos chiens.
Author By Mme Charles Boeswillwald (Paris)
Published 1907

Les Chiens. Chiens de luxe et d'utilité. Chiens de chasse.

Le Barbet.

The Barbet.
The barbet resembles enourmously the poodle in its appearance and conformation. It is a breed that is difficult to define, the exact type does not exist. Of the barbets that we do meet, the head is oval with a long snout; and others that are square with short hair. However, more generally, the barbet head is round with long ears lined with silky hair and is curly which covers the eyes as well as the whole body; short muzzle,large body and close to the ground, solid rump and stocky legs. The coat is `off white` or brown and white and the tail is long and bushy. Very intelligent, it is easy to train. and retrieves especially well.
It is true to say that the barbet is not quite a pointer dog, of which some of their kind were the exceptions, he is very mediocre on the plain and his real usefulness is in the hunting of waterfowl. As he loves the water, so he finds his trade. His true medium is therefore the marsh with reeds and water grasses. A night in the hut it is employed with success in the retrieving of ducks that fall into the water.
The barbet is a friendly and gentle companion whose memory is remarkable. With the barbet we finnish our classification of the French pointing breeds, today so rare and so deteriorated and whose past is making such a big deal.

Author By Jean Robert et L. Fortin. Published by G. Delarue
Published 1908

Appleton's new practical cyclopedia: a new work of reference based upon the best authorities, and systematically arranged for use in home and school.

Barbet, small variety of the poodle dog, remarkable for its activity, intelligence, and fidelity to its master; but equally distinguished for its ill temper.

Book Appleton's new practical cyclopedia: a new work of...
Author Published by D. Appleton and company.
Published 1920

Le Chien.

Fig.10 Barbet

A. - The Barbet.
Very old breed, once widespread in many countries of Europe, represented in many drawings from the 15th and 16th centuries, described in the 16th century in the `Maison Rustique`(Mégnin), used for hunting in a very general manner, the barbet has lost many in number and reputation. It has become a guard dog or a fancy dog, and not remained a hunting dog that poachers or peasants still use willingly for its natural ability. The barbet can be considered as the ancestor of long-haired dogs, more or less woolly or curly (poodles, bichons) and clearly apparent, long haired sheep dogs, such as the Briard, who have many characteristics in common with him. Thus, this is a homogeneous group of dogs of common stock which differ from each other only in the secondary characteristics of size or coat type.
The barbet is sometimes called the barbillot; it is the canis aquaticus of Linné, the great rough water dog of the English, the perro de agua {Spanish Water Dog} of the Spanish. It has the appearance of a vigorous and robust dog; its head is round, his forehead broad, his nose a little short; his eyes are covered with long and abundant eyebrows, ears are long and flat furnished with spikes or flakes of hair and the hair on the body is long (average 7cm), woolly or curly, formed in large strands or long, thin cords. Members of the breed are covered from top to bottom, in a long thick coat; the feet are round, large and covered with hair. The tail is raised and forms a crochet hook at the end. The colour, very variable, is poor black, white, grey, brown, cafe au lait, dirty white, or a mixture of white with one of the other colours. Its average size is 50 to 55 centimeters. The barbet is an intelligent dog who is easy to train; has a good nose and will easily find a trail; a passion for hunting; he loves the water and is a natural swimmer. But he resents the heat and has difficulty to acclimatise in hot regions. It is particularly common in France, England and Spain.

Book Le Chien.
Author By Paul Dechambre. Published by Librairie Agricole De La...
Published 1921

Larousse universel en 2 volumes (Vol 1).


barbet, ette.(bé, é-te) n. and adj.
Species of Spaniel with a long and curly coat.
`As muddy as a barbet`,`very dirty`.
ENCYCL.- There are two varieties of barbet dogs - 1. the large barbet with large pendulous ears, short legs and a thick body (this dog reaches the size of the mastiff). 2. the small barbet, which differs from the previous by its smaller size and its coat which is less wooly and more bristly. The barbet loves water, and swims well, so is used in the hunting of waterfowl.
barbet-te. adj and n. f. female of the barbet `une barbette noir`{sic) a black barbet.

Author Published by Larousse (Paris).
Published 1922

Rustica; revue universelle de la campagne. Vol.18

Le Barbet.

Le Barbet.
This is a race of which we should almost speak of only in the past; yet one of the oldest, one of those of which we find the most examples in pictures and hunting engravings of yesteryear, and that is why it must not be ignored. Are there, at present, specimens of barbets preserved in an almost pure state? I do not know, and I come to ask myself the cause of the almost total disappearance of a dog, which was formerly classed among the most useful. I believe that we must seek the explanation in the evolution of the type and especially in the evolution of its use. There seems to be no doubt (this is the opinion of all the zootechnicians) that the Barbet is the strain from which our griffons and dogs with long hair and short snouts come. It is asserted that the Poodle is only a selected Barbet; I believe it to be true. The moral qualities of the Barbet have been exalted by many writers, his attachment and proverbial fidelity were celebrated, in prose as well as in verse, but are these titles sufficient to class him among the precious assistants of the hunter? I do not believe that. Good marsh dog? true, he is dressed for that, field dog? Certainly not. With its construction and its fleece, it would not resist the torrid days of September.
I knew in my childhood several barbets belonging to hunters who spoke very highly of them, but these memories are so distant and so imprecise! Before the war, I saw a guard in Sologne with a dog whose type appeared closely approaching that of a barbet. The owner claimed that it was indeed a Barbet 'pure nature' (sic). In any case, the dog did a useful work of retriever in the marsh, and he swam wonderfully. Since then, I have written on all sides to find a Barbet for one of my friends who wanted one. I interviewed breeders at canine exhibitions, I am still waiting for the answer. If some amiable reader of Rustica could give me a precise indication, I should be grateful to him. Not being able to speak of the Barbet according to my personal memories, I am obliged to seek among the hunting writers the opinion of those who have seen these dogs at work.
This is what the Count de la Neuville said in a work published in 1873 (La Chasse au chien d'arrêt. publisher:Dentu); 'Thi og, usually dark blond, is not, strictly speaking, of the canine species of setter, or at least its reputation seems to be unjustified, it is particularly suited to the retrieval of birds fallen in large ponds, or to raise waterfowl after which it rushes with the rapidity of the seal. Apart from his nautical qualities, his work is languid and demands constantly to be reminded. He is a bad pedestrian. There are dogs that lose their breath at the least exercise. It is to be expected that they ought to be of very poor service as searchers and finders; if in their limited excursions they by chance encounter a bird in their path, it is without revealing any sign.
Let us listen to the sound of a bell. M. de La Rue, of whom I am always pleased to quote the reference because he was one of the greatest connoisseurs of the last century, considers the barbet as the best of the best marsh dogs, and he baptizes it canis aviarius aquaticus. In his interesting book, 'Races of Dogs', Dr. Megnin cites its exceptional features of its suitability for marsh hunting, the energy it deploys and above all his health which allows him to wade for hours at a time in the icy mud without appearing to be inconvenienced. And he concludes by citing the letter of a user 'de Barbets; 'What a valuable assistant for the hunter of waterfowl in the exceptionally hard service of this hunter! For he returns for pleasure and he loves to wade even more than 'his master, so young and eager as he is.' In short, the barbet was a marsh dog exclusively used for the hunting of waterfowl.

Author Text and sketches by L de Lajarrige.
Published 1930

Les Chiens de Chasse.

Chiens de Chasse - Barbet.

Hunting barbet is rare in France; his breeding is there so to speak zero, and individuals with all the signs of race are hard to find. This dog family is however very old. Most Hunting writers are the strain of the griffins that would have produces the crossing of this dog with the pointer; he would also be the father of Brie's dog, to whom he would have transmitted his hardiness and his intelligence. Finally, the current poodle, dog, dog blind, learned dog, is only a selected barbet.
From there to say that the barbet is the most intelligent, the most faithful, the more human of all these dogs, there is not far. So it's not the absence of his moral qualities that we must abandon in which is today this race. It certainly does not come than the excessive specialization of these qualities. This barbet is a marsh dog, an incomparable marsh dog. But everything is there. It is more than ordinary for all the others hunts. We could however make a fair dog for rabbits or the woodcock, in the not very thick woods. But, in short, he it is better to leave it in its element; it's our water spaniel to us, and, besides, we can not say that it is a dog of big nose. When in the water, no other dog can be compared, for ardor, hardiness, endurance; he takes an extra pleasure ordinary bubbling in the water, would it be icy. He resists with the harshest colds, it is superior for game runner, and incomparable for the report. 'The true medium of the barbet,' says M. de la Rue, 'are the marsh, the high forests of reeds, the tall wet grasses; it is the dog of the malarial regions, the countries of fever, the huttiers, halibut hunting, waterfowl in general; it's the canis aviarius aquaticus par excellence.'
Mr. P. Mégnin, speaking, in his book: The breeds of dogs, of 'Pilote', barbet to Mr. F. Coste, quotes the words of the latter; 'As for his ancestors, the element of' Pilot 'is water, nothing but water, be it lukewarm, like August, or frosty in December, the bath is always a pleasure for him. He would do, I believe it, sad figure in a plain; I do not have it, for the rest, ever leads. In the marsh alone, he is on his land and at home. I got it often brought back from the hunt, the hair bristling with ice, never did not seem to bother one second. Often, by the greatest cold of winter, at 18 or 19 degrees below zero, while all his kennel companions curled up cautiously under straw, I found him lying in the yard, muzzle lying on his paws, covered with snow and literally powdered with frost. The next day his place was marked in the melted snow, under him, to the ground. I wonder if many other breeds offer such resources of temperament and especially such disdain low temperatures. 'What a valuable auxiliary for the waterfowl hunter in the exceptionally hard service of this hunt! Because he reports for pleasure and he loves to wade even more than his master, if young and enraged though he is.
The barbet has a strong, round and short head, covered with long fur ; the long ears, also furnished with long curly hairs or by wicks; the round eye, very soft and very intelligent, hidden by thick eyebrows, falling to the muzzle; the brown nose or black; the neck fat and short, the right shoulder; the chest wide but a little deep ; the rounded ribs: the kidney short, strong and vigorous; legs strong and large, with long hairs up and down; the round, broad foot, covered with hair; the whip raised and forming hook at the end. Color: gray, black, coffee with milk, dirty white, white and brown, white and gray, white and black. The long hair, woolly and curly, massing by large plates or wicks. Size of 45 at 55 centimeters. The barbet is a dog of vigorous appearance, picked up and stocky.
Although he does not fear much, he needs care, but only for its fleece, which is very prone to felting, and difficult to to keep clean. Although he does not fear much, he needs care, but only for its fleece, which is very prone to felting, and difficult to to keep clean. It is not for nothing that we say; Crumbled like a barbet.

Author By Jean-Baptiste Samat. Manufacture française d'armes et...
Published 1931

Nos compagnons,les chiens.

It would be unjust not to say a word about the Barbet, who seems to be the ancestor of a large number of breeds of long-haired, more or less woolly dogs. This dog who was much used for hunting in the 15th and 16th centuries is very rare today. Regretable, because it has a very developed apptitude for hunting. He likes the marsh, he likes water, because he is a very good swimmer. In a more or less pure state, the barbet is still sometimes the companion of poachers, for whom he is an accomplished accomplice.

Author By A. Fauchère. Éditions Nilsson (Paris)
Published 1932

L'Eleveur N°2539.

PYRRHAM - Barbet male,2nd place Poitiers 1927.

The Barbet.
The barbet breed is very old. It is a strain of the griffons; Some authors rightly claim that the poodle would be a barbet of a special type; Finally, Pierre Mégnin assures us that the briard is the result of the barbet-beauceron crossing. It is obvious, for those who know how to look attentively at a dog, that the same characteristics are found in these three animals; physical and moral, than points of resemblance! The hair is woolly in the poodle and the barbet, and sometimes also in the briard; The hocks are low in these dogs, the expression of the eyes is similar; As for the awakening attitude, it is the same.
The barbet comprises two varieties: the great barbet and the small barbet (see the photos already published in the Review Cynégétique and Canine: L'Eleveur) very distinct by size first, then conformation. The little barbet with the silhouette of a Tenerife dog [bichon type]. Buffon has given a detailed description of the Grand Barbet, of which we are especially interested. These dogs, he says, have large, round heads, broad and hanging ears, short legs, thick and shortened bodies, almost horizontal tails, long, curly hair all over the body, We can hardly imagine the true form of this animal. The engraving represents, in fact, a stocky and very vigorous dog. According to other more recent engravings dating from 1860, and finally, according to the type reproduced by Malher, the silhouette of the Barbet has somewhat modified: the body is more elongated, the neck more open. In the present standard of the Barbet, reproduced at the bottom of this article, we find the same description; It is specified that the nose should be brown and black, the tail slightly raised, and terminated by a hook. The dress can be black gray, coffee latte, white, dirty white, brown white, white and black. The qualities to be sought are; a vigorous body, a very thick skin, a woolly hair, abundant on all parts of the body, round eyes, intelligent, strong limbs. What is the barbets character? A very intelligent dog. This primordial quality has struck all the authors who described this animal, the Barbet is the most intelligent, the most faithful, `the most human` says Pierre Mégnin.
In the book of the hunter published about 1850, Charles Diguet boasts of his rare intelligence, his marvelous sagacity: 'it is the dog most likely to complete training'. `His intelligence is remarkable, his eyes have an extraordinary expression,` writes Dhers in the French Hunter. When I read the Literary History of Henri Bremond, I found, under the pen of a writer of the sixteenth century, the praise of a barbet, Gaillard, whose intelligence `amazed all the Dauphine`. Thanks to this wonderful intelligence, the barbet was used for various purposes. But in all his jobs, according to those who saw him at work, the barbet has proved himself an incomparable servant. Whether he was in charge of keeping the court of a large farm on the Somme or the North, whether he was used as a smuggler's dog, or as a draft dog or a blind man's dog. But it is especially as hunter, and hunter of waterfowl, that the Barbet was very appreciated. From La Rue, we talk about his love of icy water, his passion for relationships, his incomparable passion. Pierre Mégnin shows us, and I saw myself, the young puppies abandoning their warm litter of straw to go to lie down in the snow. Hunters who are passionate about marsh hunting know how attractive this hunter is, but they also know what energy and endurance their four-legged helper needs.
The grounds of the Barbet are the marshes, its feet, often webbed, its very woolly hair, which protects it from the bite of the cold, its undercoat very dense as soaked of a kind of greasy liquid, an extraordinary understanding make this the marsh dog par excellence. He has no reason to dread the terrible illnesses which lie in wait for his short-haired fellows, who have scarcely emerged from the water, going straight to the depressed room and the tall, tireless reeds. He is always ready to dive, summer and winter, in search of game. But if he surpasses himself in hunting waterfowl, he hunts well in the woods, he fears neither the thickest pines nor the sharpest prickles. He loves hunting for hare and woodcock. In the plain, it behaves very well. We do not pretend that he can compete with the pointers and the setters, but he knows how to use his skills and also, he flushes intelligently. He shows a lot of caution, beats his ground, stops firm. I have used barbets to hunt in the great plains of the North, in the lakes of the Loiret, on the causses of the Center, in September, when the sun hit hard. I have been able to appreciate their rapid adaptation to these various terrains and their resistance.
Known in France since the 15th century, very widespread in the 16th and 17th centuries, the apogee of this breed was, it seems, in the XVIIth century. He was then a house dog and hunting dog. A domestic dog, he had custody of them and amused the children. At that time he had the honors of the Court of France. The Countess de Boigne, who was still a young woman at Versailles, had been taken in friendship by Mme. Adelaide, the King's aunt. She had a great affection for her: but I had, she said, `for a rival and a friend, a great white barbet, Vizier, extremely intelligent, who was also on our walks. When there was a little mud in the road, he was put in a large canvas bag and two men attached to his service wore it ... `. The Barbet was then very popular. The great philosopher Voltaire said of them; `that they had the reputation of being the best friends in the world.` The barbet was a symbol of fidelity, of docility, of gentleness.
They were vulgarly referred to as sheep dogs. In the 19th century, the Barbet was widespread in Belgium, Switzerland, France, especially in the North and in the Camargue. In the north, crossed with strong mastiffs, it is used by the smugglers with success. His qualities make him sought after for this perilous trade. Of a suspicious nature with foreigners, he refuses the best bait. Vigorous, he carried heavy loads on his back. Very brave, he does not fear the battle and will fight with advantage against the dogs of the customs officers.
Before the war, this fine race was still well preserved in France; but the invasion, the privations endured by the inhabitants, contributed in the North to its nearly complete annihilation. There are almost none in Switzerland. On the other hand, the race has been well preserved in Scotland, but the barbets are jealously guarded and can not cross the borders. In France, some amateurs are working to reconstitute this race, which, by all its qualities, deserves the attention of the hunters. It is to be hoped that all those who are interested in the beautiful and good dog, group themselves numerously so that the barbet takes back a place that it should never have lost and that it regains its vogue of past times!
Mr. Le Houelleur.

Book L'Eleveur N°2539.
Author Article by Mr Le Houelleur
Published 1934

Dogs and All about Them.

THE ENGLISH WATER SPANIEL.--In the Kennel Club's Register of Breeds no place is allotted to this variety, all Water Spaniels other than Irish being classed together. Despite this absence of official recognition there is abundant evidence that a breed of Spaniels legitimately entitled to the designation of English Water Spaniels has been in existence for many years, in all probability a descendant of the old 'Water-Dogge,' an animal closely resembling the French `Barbet,` the ancestor of the modern Poodle. They were even trimmed at times much in the same way as a Poodle is nowadays, as Markham gives precise directions for `the cutting or shearing him from the navel downeward or backeward.` The opinion expressed by the writer of The Sportsman's Cabinet, 1803, is that the breed originated from a cross between the large water dog and the Springing Spaniel, and this is probably correct, though Youatt, a notable authority, thinks that the cross was with an English Setter. Possibly some strains may have been established in this way, and not differ very much in make and shape from those obtained from the cross with the Spaniel, as it is well known that Setters and Spaniels have a common origin.

Book Dogs and All about Them.
Author by Robert Leighton.
Published 1934

The Beast in the Boudoir; Petkeeping in Nineteenth-Century Paris.

P.75. The Third Republic`s favorite breed was the poodle (caniche), a sophisticated version of the barbet.
P.87. The historical trajectory of the poodle takes it from disrespect for the lowly but intelligent barbet, a hunting dog and blind person's companion, to high status for this same `elegant, fine, and fashionable dog.` Many writers described the transformation. Boeswillwald contrasted the dirty, disheveled, badly groomed, and, as she believed, white barbet with the brown or black poodle, svelte and silky, whose coat `expert scissors had shaped and trimmed.`
P.146. The barbet is a type of poodle from which the French poodle developed in the nineteenth century.

Author By Kathleen Kete. Berkeley. University of California Press
Published 1994