The Barbet is French in origin and derives its name from barbe (meaning beard).
There are approximaely 200 barbet resident in the UK and thought to be around 3,500 worldwide (as a best guess). The barbet is a medium to large sized dog with profuse curly and wooly hair which grows all over its body. In common with other related water dogs, the barbet does not have a seasonal moult and so requires regular grooming if the coat is to be kept long. The coat can be shaved or cut short several times a year which can minimise the amount of grooming required.
Barbets come in a variety of colours with black, brown, black and white and brown and white being the most common Its non-moulting coat often makes the barbet a consideration for those with allergies but it should be noted that there are many factors which trigger allergies and it is essential to spend some time in a home with barbets before any decision can be made as to their suitability.